Ordinance 13-2012 Vehicles for Hire ORDINANCE NO. 13-2012 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 130 OF THE TOWN CODE OF ORDINANCES, VEHICLES FOR HIRE, AT ARTICLE II, TAXICABS AND LIMOUSINES; AMENDING SECTION 130- 31, DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 130-33, AMOUNTS, RECEIPT TO BE FILED, REGULATIONS; INCLUDING A NEW SECTION 130-34, TAXI STANDS; AMENDING SECTION 130-62, CONTENTS OF APPLICATION; AMENDING SECTION 130-63, APPROVAL OF APPLICATION, DENIAL; AMENDING SECTION 130-69, INSPECTION OF VEHICLES; AMENDING SECTION 130- j 72, SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION; PROVIDING A NEW DIVISION 4, OPERATIONAL CRITERIA, BY INCLUDING A NEW SECTION 130-105, CERTAIN ACTS PROHIBITED AND SECTION 130-106, CONDITION OF VEHICLE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 11, 2011, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 25- 11, amending Chapter 130 of the Town Code of Ordinances relating to vehicles for hire, in order to allow for the issuance of permits for the operation of taxicabs within commercial zoning districts of the Town between the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2012, by adoption of Ordinance No. 5-2012, the Town Council abated the amendments set forth in Ordinance No. 25-11, thereby reverting to the provisions of Chapter 130 relating to Vehicles for Hire as said provisions existed prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 25-11; and WHEREAS, on a temporary basis, by adopting Ordinance No. 5-2012, the Town set forth provisions for the temporary operation of taxicabs, said Ordinance to sunset on October 1, 2012, unless rescinded prior to said date by the Town Council; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Town Council to rescind Ordinance No. 5-2012 and Ordinance No. 25-11 in their entirety so as to enact certain amendments to Chapter 130 in the manner and form set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach is hereby amended at Chapter 130, Vehicles for Hire; Article 11, Taxicabs and Limousines, to read as follows: "CHAPTER 130 VEHICLES FOR HIRE ARTICLE II. TAXICABS AND LIMOUSINES DIVISION 1. GENERALLY See. 130-31. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Certificate of public convenience and necessity means the formal written authority granted by the town under this article for the holder to engage in the taxicab business or limousine business in the town. The granting of a certificate shall infer that the certificate holder will be granted one or more taxicab or limousine permits. Chauffeur's permit means the written authority given by the town, pursuant to the provisions of this article, or to any person to drive or operate a permitted taxicab or limousine upon the public streets of the town. Cruising. For purposes of this Ordinance, cruising is the practice of driving about the public streets of the Town with a taxicab so as to solicit passengers or to bring the presence of the taxicab to the attention of prospective passengers. A taxicab driving along the streets in the Town of Palm Beach for any purpose other than transporting a passenger, going to a definite destination by the most direct route in response to a call for a taxicab for a prospective passenger or returning by the most direct route to the taxicab's home terminus after discharging a passenger or going to or from the said terminus to the driver's home base by the most direct route shall be prima facia evidence of cruising. Prima facia evidence of cruising can also be established by a police officer or other designated Town official who directly observes a taxicab pass the same traffic control point, landmark, structure or other marker three (3) or more times during a period of one hour or less. Ordinance No.13-2012 Page 2 of 18 Highway means any of the streets, boulevards, avenues, drives or alleys located in the town. Limousine means a chauffeur-driven non-metered vehicle for hire, including, but not limited to, modified-for-the-purpose luxury limousines or full size luxury sedans providing seating accommodations for not more than 16 persons, including the driver, and which rates are determined on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly rental of the vehicle and the chauffeur or a combination of rental and mileage charges. Off-street stand means a taxicab or limousine stand located upon private property within the town, providing off-street parking space for taxicabs or limousines. On-street stand means a public place in the town that has been designated by the town manager as reserved exclusively for the use of taxicabs or limousines. Permit means the formal written authority granted by the town under this article to the holder of a certificate of public convenience necessary to operate each taxicab or limousine under the terms and provisions of this article. Prearranged charter means a written or telephone reservation made for a taxicab or limousine, which may or may not hold a permit within the town, made at least 30 minutes in advance by the person requesting service at the place of business of the vehicle for hire for the provision of service from the caller's location to a destination inside or outside the corporate limits of the town. Such reservation shall be documented in written form by the business. The written documentation designated herein shall be made available immediately upon the request of authorized code enforcement or law enforcement personnel of the town. The 30-minute advance requirement does not apply to companies with authorized vehicle for hire contracts with Palm Beach International Airport when said vehicles are responding to requests for travel between Palm Beach International Airport and a location within the town. Taxicab means a chauffeur driven motorized vehicle equipped with a taxi meter engaged in the transportation of passengers for compensation and where the route or destination is controlled by the passenger and which are licensed by Palm Beach County. Except when responding as a prearranged charter, the operation of taxicabs in the town is permitted only from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. of the following day. Taxicabs permitted by the town may operate outside the hours specified Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 3 of 18 herein when operating on the private property of a hotel for the benefit of hotel guests with the express permission of the hotel operator. Sec. 130-32. Rates; schedule to be filed with town. (a) All persons holding certificates or permits shall file with the town annually a schedule of maximum taxicab fares and rates to be charged by such persons under a certificate of public convenience and necessity with the town, and this schedule shall at all times be on file with the town. This schedule shall be subject to review by the town from time to time for the purposes of determining whether the rates and fees are reasonable and competitive with other prevailing rates within the county. (b) Each certificate holder shall also maintain a currently updated schedule of rates for public inspection at their designated offices. Each permit holder shall maintain on board his permitted vehicle a currently updated schedule of rates and produce the schedule on demand of passengers or of prospective passengers. Failure of the certificate holder or permit holder to maintain a schedule of rates, fares and charges at the locations designated herein shall be grounds for revocation of the certificate or permit. Sec. 130-33. Amounts; receipt to be filed; regulations. (a) Schedule of maximum rates. Rates on file with the town and in other places enumerated herein shall be the maximum rates to be charged passengers by any certificate holder under this article. The schedule of fares shall be posted in the interior and exterior of every taxicab in such a manner as to be visible to passengers at all times. All taxicabs shall be equipped with a meter which accurately registers the rates and fares posted. All taxicabs are required to use the meter to determine all fares. The meter must be plainly visible to allow the easy viewing of the meter rate display by the passenger. (b) Receipts. Certificate holders operating taxicabs or limousines under this article are required to deliver to the passenger or passengers of each such vehicle, upon request, a receipt for each fare collected from such passenger or passengers. Such receipts shall show the point of origin, termination of the trip, the day and approximate hour of the trip, and the amount of fare charged and collected therefor. (c) Exemptions. The terms and provisions of this section shall not be deemed or held to apply to established and authorized bus lines within the town. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 4 of 18 (d) List of drivers. Holders of certificates of public convenience and necessity shall file with the town, on an annual basis, by September 1 of each year, a list of all drivers employed by the holder. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of holders of certificates of public convenience to report, in writing, to the town, any changes which occur to said lists of drivers when the change occurs. In the event the holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity fails to file a current list of all drivers employed by the holder as provided in this section, the holder of the certificate of public convenience and necessity shall pay to the town a cash penalty for each event of noncompliance. The amount of the cash penalty enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. No certificate shall be renewed unless full payment has been made to the town of the penalties due pursuant to this section. Sec. 130-34. Taxi stands The town's public safety director or his or her designee is authorized to establish on—street stands in such places upon the streets of the town as is deemed necessary for the use of taxicabs operated in the town. No taxi stand shall be created without taking into consideration the need for such stand by a taxi and the convenience to the general public. The public safety director or his or her designee shall prescribe the number of taxicabs that shall occupy such stands. No stand shall be created in front of any place of business where such stands would tend to create a traffic hazard. Taxi stands may only be occupied by taxis licensed by the town during the hours such taxis may legally operate in the town. The creation of taxi stands shall be subject to review and approval of the town council, upon appeal, or upon written request of any person or entity. The issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall not entitle the holder to an on-street stand. Sec. 130-35. Article provisions not deemed franchise. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed as a franchise or to give any vested rights to any operator of taxicabs or limousines, and the right to amend or repeal this article is expressly reserved. Sec. 130-36. Penalties. Any person who shall violate any of the terms, provisions or conditions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in section 1-14. In addition thereto, the town council may, after hearing, but within its discretion, revoke any certificates of convenience and necessity or permits issued under this article. Ordinance No.13-2012 Page 5 of 18 DIVISION 2. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND PERMIT Sec. 130-61. Required; permits under common ownership of certificate holder; revocation. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle for hire in the town other than as otherwise authorized by law, or for any person to engage in the business of operating taxicabs or limousines on the highways of the town, or to operate any taxicab or limousine for the transportation of persons for compensation on any highway in the town without first having obtained from the town a certificate of public convenience and necessity and permits as provided in this division. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this article for a certificate holder to employ a taxicab or limousine operator not qualified under this article. Further, the certificate of title to all vehicles for which permits are granted shall be under the common ownership of the applicant for the certificate of public convenience and necessity. This section shall not apply to prearranged charters. Sec. 130-62. Contents of application. (a) An application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity and a permit or permits thereunder shall be filed with the town manager upon forms provided by the town, and the application shall be verified under oath and shall furnish the following information: (1) The name and address of the applicant and the names and addresses of its officers, directors and stockholders holding more than ten percent of the stock of the company, if any. (2) The name of the applicant's business, business location, business mailing address and business phone number. (3) The number of taxicabs or limousines for which permits are requested under the certificate, if the certificate is granted. (4) The trade name under which the business will operate and the telephone number which will be used by customers to contact the business for service. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 6 of 18 i (5) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three references who have knowledge of the applicant's standing and reputation in the community. (6) The financial statement of the applicant, including the amounts of any and all unpaid judgments against the applicant and the nature of the transaction or acts giving rise to such judgments, and a statement as to whether or not the applicant has filed for bankruptcy within five years prior to the application. (7) The experience of the applicant in the transportation of passengers. (8) Any facts the applicant believes tend to prove that public convenience and necessity require the granting of a certificate. (9) The location of the stands, if any, whether off-street or on- street that will be used to exercise the certificate. (10) An agreement on the part of the applicant to conform with and abide by all ordinances of the town whether such ordinances may have been theretofore enacted or may thereafter be enacted, and by the laws of the state and the United States. (11) The capacity, make, model, vehicle identification number, title number and state license plate number, and further description for each vehicle to be permitted under the certificate. (12) A list of the names and addresses and telephone numbers of all persons who would be driving vehicles under the permits if granted. (13) A demonstration of the need for the number of permits applied for. (14) Such further information as the town council or town manager may require. (15) Completed and certified vehicle inspection checklist. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 7 of 18 (b) The applicant shall submit as attachments to the application such documents as shall show compliance with the following terms and conditions: (1) Insurance certification providing that the applicant has met the insurance requirements of this article, (2) An affidavit sworn to by the applicant that no person, officer or stockholder making application for permit has neither pled guilty to nor been convicted, within the past five years, or has pending charges for any of the following: a. Any crime designated as a felony; b. Any crime involving the sale or possession of controlled substances as defined by F.S. § 893.03, the Florida RICO Act; C. Exposure of the sexual organs; and d. Any crime defined under F.S. ch. 796 relating to prostitution. i (c) In the event it is determined by review of the town that an applicant for a certificate of public convenience and necessity and a permit or permits thereunder have by virtue of a permit received from Palm Beach County met all of the requirements for the contents of application with the town the town may rely upon the county permit in granting a certificate of public convenience and necessity or a permit or permits hereunder. Any information required by the town which is not included within the requirements for the county permit shall be provided as required in this section. Sec. 130-63. Approval of application; denial. It has been determined by the town council that the maximum number of permits necessary to provide for the public convenience and necessity in the town is 50 limousine permits and 25 taxicab permits. The initial 25 taxicab permits will be issued by way of a random selection process in a manner to be determined by the town. Taxicab permits are only valid for use in the town from 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. the following day. Taxicabs permitted by the town may operate outside the hours specified herein when operating on the private property of a hotel for the benefit of hotel guests with the express permission of the hotel operator. If the town finds that the applicant favorably meets the criteria stated in Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 8 of 18 section 130-62, the application shall be approved and a certificate of public convenience granted along with the permits applied for thereunder, subject, however, to the availability therefor. If it is found that the applicant does not favorably meet the criteria stated in section 130-62, the application shall be denied. A denial may be conditional, and the applicant will be given an opportunity to provide further information or take other action which will result in the approval of the application, or final, and no further action will be taken or permitted under the application. Sec. 130-64. Permit fee. (a) Upon issuance of permits, the permittee shall pay a permit fee for each permit as follows: (1) For each certificate of public convenience. (2) For each taxicab or limousine permit. The amount of the permit fees enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. The above referenced permits shall be valid for a period of one year, to terminate on September 30 of each year. (b) There shall be no proration as to the fee for permits, and the fee shall remain as set forth by resolution of the town council regardless of the date upon which a permit is issued during any one year. Sec. 130-65. Ineligible recipients. No permit will be issued to any person or to any business or company who has or whose officers or stockholders have been convicted within the past five years of or have pending charges for any of the following: (1) Any crime designated as a felony; (2) Any crime involving the sale or possession of controlled substances as defined by F.S. § 893.03, the Florida RICO Act; (3) Exposure of the sexual organs; and (4) Any crime defined under F.S. ch. 796, relating to prostitution. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 9 of 18 Sec. 130-66. Appeal upon denial of permit. If a permit is denied to an applicant by the town, any person having had a permit denied may appeal to the town council by filing notice thereof with the town clerk within 30 days from the time of such denial. Sec. 130-67. Town council to determine the number of certificates of public convenience and permits available. The town council may address upon its own initiative, or shall address upon the receipt of applications for certificates of public convenience and/or permits over and above the amount available, the number of certificates of public convenience and permits that may be issued within the town based upon a consideration of public convenience and necessity. Any determination to increase the number of permits or certificates of public convenience in effect during any one year shall be made at a public hearing of the town council. Notice of such hearing shall be given to the applicant for the increased permits (if any) and to all other persons to whom certificates of public convenience and necessity have been theretofore issued. Notice shall also be given to the general public by publishing a notice of such hearing in a local newspaper of general circulation at least seven days prior to a hearing. The town council, in determining whether to grant additional permits, shall make its decision based upon the following factors: (1) Public demand for taxicab and limousine service. (2) Whether the public has been adequately served by existing permitted taxicab and limousine service. (3) The effect on traffic congestion and safety of existing vehicular and pedestrian traffic. (4) The character, experience and responsibility of the applicant. (5) Such other factors as the town council finds to be relevant. Sec. 130-68. Annual renewal of permit. Certificates and permits may be renewed as a matter of right upon application duly filed with the town. Renewal of certificates of permits shall be made as of October 1 of each year, the cost thereof to be as set forth in this article. Failure of any person holding a certificate or permit under this article to renew the same as provided in this section by November 1 of each year shall operate as automatic revocation of such certificate or Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 10 of 18 permit, and it shall thereafter be unlawful to operate taxicabs or limousines covered thereby. In the event a certificate and applicable limousine permits are not renewed as of October 10 a late penalty for certificate or permit renewal shall be paid to the town. The amount of the late penalty for certificate or permit renewal enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. No certificate or permit shall be renewed unless full payment has been made to the town of the penalties due pursuant to this section. Sec. 130-69. Inspection of vehicles. Each taxicab or limousine operated under terms of this article and under a certificate and permit shall be certified by a qualified mechanic, as defined by the town, upon application for an initial certificate and permit, and upon annual renewal of same, as to the safety of such vehicles driven under the certificate or permit. Evidence of compliance with this section will be noted on the application and on the application for the renewal. In addition thereto, the vehicle is required to submit to and pass an inspection by the town as to the general appearance of the vehicle. The appearance shall be required to be neat and clean, and the vehicle shall not contain more than two signs visible on the outside of the vehicle, which signs shall not be in excess of a total of 100 square inches. It shall be unlawful for any vehicle operating under this article to be driven upon the streets of the town that does not have affixed thereto a valid and current insignia sticker issued by the town and placed on the lower left- hand side of the rear window of the vehicle. Permits shall be withheld for any vehicle which has not complied with the inspection process described herein. In addition, there shall be a penalty per vehicle for noncompliance. The amount of the penalty per vehicle for noncompliance enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. No certificate or permit shall be renewed unless full payment has been made to the town of the penalties due pursuant to this section. The town may rely upon evidence of inspections conducted and approved by Palm Beach County to determine compliance with this section, except additional requirements of the town not otherwise required by the county shall also be met. Sec. 130-70. Sale, assignment or transfer. Except for certificates of public convenience for the operation of taxicabs authorized by this ordinance which may not be sold, assigned, mortgaged, leased or otherwise transferred, certificates of convenience and necessity and permits relating thereto issued prior to October 11, 2011, may be sold, assigned, mortgaged, leased or otherwise transferred; Ordinance No.13-2012 Page 11 of 18 however, all applications for transfers of certificates or permits must be verified and contain all of the same information required under the terms of this article for original application. The application must state the date the transfer is to take place, the amount of consideration therefor, and whether the transfer is by sale, gift, inheritance or otherwise, together with the reason for the transfer. If the transfer is approved by the office of the town manager, the transfer of either a certificate or a permit shall be accompanied by fee per permit. The amount of the transfer fee per permit enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. Sec. 130-71. Automobile liability insurance requirement. No certificate of public convenience and necessity or permit shall be issued or continued in operation unless there is in full force and effect an insurance policy for each vehicle authorized in the amount of $1,000,000.00 combined single limit each accident with an umbrella or excess coverage of $1,000,000.00. The town shall be endorsed as an additional insured under the liability insurance required herein. The policy shall comply with all requirements of the state. The policy shall inure to the benefit of any person who shall be injured or who shall sustain damage to property proximately caused by the negligence of a holder, his servants or agents. Satisfactory evidence of the required policy in the form of a certificate of insurance acceptable to the town shall be filed with the required application for a certificate of public convenience and shall have as insurer thereon an insurance company authorized to do business in the state. A copy of the certificate of insurance required under this section shall be filed with the required application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity or permit and at any time before expiration of the policy should the certificate of insurance indicate that the policy expires prior to the cessation of the validity of the certificate of public convenience and necessity or permit issued by the town. Evidence of renewal of the policy shall be filed with the town prior to the respective expiration dates. Failure to maintain and renew the policy shall automatically revoke the certificate of public convenience and necessity or permit issued under this section. All insurance policies provided under this section shall be subject to review and approval of the town. Sec. 130-72. Suspension and revocation. (a) Certificates or permits issued under the provisions of this division may be revoked or suspended if the holder thereof has: (1) Violated any provisions of this article. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 12 of 18 (2) Violated any of the ordinances of the town, including this article, or laws of the state, or the United States the violation of which reflect unfavorably on the fitness of the holder to offer public transportation. (3) Failed to render adequate, prompt and courteous service to the public to such an extent as to warrant discipline by the town council. (4) Pled guilty to or been convicted of within the past five years or currently has pending any charges for crimes designated and listed under section 130-97(5). (5) Been convicted of three moving traffic violations under the laws of the state during any 12-month period. (6) Found guilty of three or more violations set forth in Division 4 of this Chapter. (b) Any person violating any provision of this article or any person found to have obtained a certificate of public convenience or permit by way of misrepresentation or concealment shall be subject to having his certificate or permit revoked. (c) Prior to suspension or revocation, the holder shall be notified at least seven days prior to the proposed action to be taken and shall have an opportunity to be heard. A hearing on suspension or revocation shall take place at a regularly scheduled meeting of the town council or at a special meeting called for that purpose. DIVISION 3. CHAUFFR'S PERMIT Sec. 130-96. Required. Operators of vehicles permitted under this article shall have first obtained from the town a chauffeur's permit as set forth in this division. Any person being 18 years of age or older may make application to the town for a chauffeur's permit. Sec. 130-97. Application. The application for a chauffeur's permit shall include the following: Ordinance No.13-2012 Page 13 of 18 (1) Proof that the applicant holds a valid class A, B, C or D state driver's license. (2) A photograph of the applicant taken by the town. (3) The applicant's fingerprints procured by the town. (4) The name, address and phone number of the taxicab or limousine company for which the applicant is working or proposes to work. (5) An affidavit sworn to by the applicant that the applicant has not pled guilty to nor been convicted of, within the past five years, nor does the applicant have any charges currently pending for any of the following: a. Any crime designated as a felony; b. Any crime involving the sale or possession of controlled substances as defined by F.S. § 893.03, the Florida RICO Act; C. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs; d. Exposure of the sexual organs; and e. Any crime defined under F.S. ch. 796, relating to prostitutes; and that he has not been found guilty of more than three moving traffic violations under the laws of the state within the immediately preceding 12 months prior to the date of application. (6) A fee per permit shall accompany the application. The amount of the permit fee enumerated herein shall be established by resolution of the town council and may be amended from time to time by resolution of the town council. Sec. 130-99. Conviction of certain crimes. If at the time of application for chauffeur's permit it is determined that the applicant has pled guilty to or has been convicted of any of the crimes listed in section 130-97(5), within the five years preceding the Ordinance No.13-2012 Page 14 of 18 application, has been found guilty of three moving traffic violations under the laws of the state within the immediately preceding 12 months, or has charges currently pending against him for any of the offenses listed in section 130-97(5), the applicant shall not be issued a chauffeur's permit. Additionally, any person issued a chauffeur's permit by the town who subsequently pleads guilty to or is convicted of any of the above referenced offenses during the time the chauffeur's permit is in effect shall have his permit revoked. Any person having been denied a chauffeur's permit under this section may appeal the denial to the town council in the same manner as set forth in section 130-66 for denial of certificates of public convenience or permits. Revocation shall occur as set forth in section 130-99. Sec. 130-99. Suspension and revocation. (a) A chauffeur's permit issued under the provisions of this division may be revoked or suspended if the holder thereof has: (1) Violated any provisions of this article. (2) Violated any of the ordinances of the town, including this article or laws of the state, or the United States the violation of which reflect unfavorably on the fitness of the holder to offer public transportation. (3) Failed to render adequate, prompt and courteous service to the public to such an extent as to warrant discipline by town council. (4) Pled guilty to or been convicted of within the past five years or currently has pending any charges for crimes designated and listed under section 130-97(5). (5) Been convicted of three moving traffic violations under the laws of the state during any 12-month period. (b) Any person violating any provision of this article or any person found to have obtained a chauffeur's permit by way of misrepresentation or concealment shall be subject to having his chauffeur's permit revoked. (c) Prior to suspension or revocation, the holder shall be notified at least seven days prior to the proposed action to be taken and shall have an opportunity to be heard. A hearing on suspension or revocation shall Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 15 of 18 take place at a regularly scheduled meeting of the town council or at a special meeting called for that purpose. DIVISION 4. OPERATIONAL CRITERIA Sec. 130-105. Certain acts prohibited. (a) No driver shall solicit passengers for a taxicab except when sitting in the driver's seat of such taxicab. The driver of any such taxicab shall remain in the driver's compartment at all times when such vehicle is upon the public street. (b) No driver shall solicit passengers or attract their attention by calling or using a horn, bell, whistle or other signal device for calling out for passengers. (c) Drivers of taxicabs shall not receive or discharge passengers in the roadways, but shall pull u to the right hand sidewalk as near) as Y , P p g Y possible. In the absence of a sidewalk, the driver should pull over to the extreme right hand side of the road and there receive and discharge passengers, except upon one way streets, where passengers may be discharged on either the right or left hand sidewalk or side of the road in the absence of a sidewalk. (d) No driver shall park or stand in any legal parking space within the Town unless specifically designated as a taxi stand. Temporary taxi stands may be designated by the Town for this purpose. (e) No person shall engage in unnecessary repetitive driving, also known as cruising, as defined herein while operating a taxicab and no owner of a taxicab shall permit another to engage in cruising while operating a motor vehicle under his or her care, custody and control after notice. (f) No taxicabs permitted hereunder shall have affixed thereto any sign, placard or poster other than signs properly displayed on the vehicle designating the name of the taxicab company and telephone number. In all cases, the markings shall be lettered professionally, maintained in good condition, and not allowed to be dilapidated. Sec. 130-106. Condition of vehicle. All vehicles shall be kept in a clean condition. Minimum standards of cleanliness include, but are not limited to: Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 16 of 18 (1) The interior of the vehicle (including the trunk) shall be kept free from all waste paper, cans, garbage or any other item not intrinsic to the vehicle or to the conduct of operating a taxicab; (2) The interior of the vehicle (including the trunk) shall be kept free from all dirt, grease, oil, adhesive resin or any other item which can be transferred onto the person, clothing or possessions of a passenger by incidental contact. (3) The interior of the vehicle shall be kept free of any material which a reasonable person would find noxious or unpleasant. (4) The exterior of the vehicle shall be kept free from all dirt, grease, oil, or any other substance besides water, which can be transferred onto the person, clothing or possessions of a passenger by incidental contact. (5) The vehicle's body, fenders, doors, trim, grill and paint must be free from cracks, dents, breaks, rust, or other body damage that detracts from the overall appearance of the vehicle or could result in harm or injury to the passenger or his /her personal belongings." Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared severable. Section 3. Repeal of Ordinances in Conflict. All other ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach, Florida, or parts thereof which conflict with this or any part of this Ordinance are temporarily repealed during the effective dates of this ordinance. Section 4. Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified and made a part of the official Code of Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach. Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 17 of 18 Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, as provided by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED in a regular, ad�ourned session of the Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach on first reading this 11t day of July, 2012, and for second and final reading on this 14th day of August, 2012. /!"�tl.�l�`v *1 - . niglio, Mayor DaVi' A. Rosow, Town Council President kA 4161i' V(oildri , President em amon d, T n ouncil Member LJ ATT ES' Richa-d M. Kleid, Town Council Member �� �.�-----..-� `S`us "an 9-OwE(n , MMC, Town Clerk aiJ. Pucil o, o n Council Member I p:\docs\13156\00008\doc\1 d47369.doc Ordinance No. 13-2012 Page 18 of 18