Ordinance 05-2012 Taxicabs ORDINANCE NO. 5 -2012 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TEMPORARILY ABATING THE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 25 -11, PROVIDING THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 130, ARTICLE ll, RELATING TO TAXICABS AND LIMOUSINES, SHALL REMAIN IN EFFECT; PROVIDING HOWEVER FOR A PERIOD OF TIME UNTIL OCTOBER 1, 2012, TAXICABS AS DEFINED HEREIN ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO BE OPERATED ONLY IN COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS OF THE TOWN AND ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 P.M. TO 6:00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING DAY AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE CRITERIA SET FORTH HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October 11, 2011, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 25- 11, amending Chapter 130 of the Town Code of Ordinances relating to vehicles for hire, in order to allow for the issuance of permits for the operation of taxicabs within commercial zoning districts of the Town between the hours of 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.; and WHEREAS, the Town is in the process of examining alternative methods for the regulation of taxicabs within the Town including, but not limited to, franchising; and WHEREAS, the Town is not in a position to issue taxicab permits in a timely manner as provided in Ordinance No. 25 -11 so as to allow for the operation of taxicabs in the commercial areas during the 2012 season; and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town's police department that for public safety purposes, taxicabs should be allowed to operate in the commercial areas of the Town subject to their meeting certain conditions and regulations; and WHEREAS, it is determined to be an emergency to put in place regulations relating to the operation of taxicabs; and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach wishes to abate the amendments set forth in Ordinance No. 25 -11 relating to taxicabs thereby reverting to the provisions of Chapter 130 relating to vehicles for hire as they existed prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 25 -11; and WHEREAS, on a temporary basis the Town wishes to provide for the operation of taxicabs on a limited basis as set forth herein for a period not to exceed six months from the date of adoption of this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance No. 25 -11 adopted October 11, 2011, is hereby abated until October 1, 2012, or until said abatement is otherwise rescinded by the Town Council. Section 2. The provisions of Chapter 130 relating to vehicles for hire as they existed prior to the adoption of Ordinance No. 25 -11 shall remain in full force and effect. However, in addition to the provisions contained therein, the regulations set forth herein shall apply. Section 3. These provisions are temporary and shall sunset on October 1, 2012, unless rescinded prior to said date by the Town Council Section 4. Definitions. A. Taxicabs. For purposes of this ordinance, taxicab means a chauffeur driven motorized vehicle equipped with a taxi meter engaged in the transportation of passengers for compensation and where the route or destination is controlled by the passenger and which are licensed by Palm Beach County. Except when responding as a prearranged charter, the operation of taxicabs in the Town is permitted only from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. of the following day and only in commercial zoning district of the Town. B. Prearranged charter. For purposes of this ordinance, prearranged charter means a written or telephone reservation made for a taxicab which may or may not hold a permit within the Town, made at least thirty minutes in advance by the person requesting service at the place of business of the vehicle for hire for the provision of service from the caller's location to a destination inside or outside the corporate limits of the Town. Such reservation shall be documented in written form by the business. The written documentation designated herein shall be made available immediately upon the request of authorized code enforcement or law enforcement personnel in the Town. C. Cruising. For purposes of this Ordinance, cruising is the practice of driving about the public streets of the Town with a taxicab so as to solicit passengers or to bring the presence of the taxicab to the attention of prospective passengers. A taxicab driving along the streets in the Town of Palm Beach for any purpose other than transporting a passenger, going to a definite destination by the most direct route in response to a call for a taxicab for a prospective passenger or returning by the most direct route to the taxicab's home terminus after discharging a passenger or going to or Ordinance No. 5 -2012 Page 2 of 6 from the said terminus to the driver's home base by the most direct route shall be prima facia evidence of cruising. Prima facia evidence of cruising can also be established by a police officer or other designated Town official who directly observes a taxicab pass the same traffic control point, landmark, structure or other marker three (3) or more times during restricted hours as described in Section 5. Section 5. Requirements for taxicab operation. For a temporary period of time until October 1, 2012, or sooner if rescinded by the Town Council, taxicabs may be operated within the commercial zoning districts of the Town between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the following day subject requirements set forth herein: A. State driver's license. Each person who operates any vehicle for hire within the Town shall possess a current and valid state driver's license with a class appropriate for such vehicle. B. State equipment and safety standards. Each vehicle for hire shall comply with all equipment and safety standards contained in Florida Statute Chapter 316 and any other applicable state law. No vehicle for hire shall be operated with more passengers than the manufacturer's recommendations for the maximum number of occupants. C. Insurance. Each vehicle for hire shall be insured in the types and amounts required by Florida Statute Chapter 324. Any vehicle for hire not expressly identified in the insurance requirement provisions of Florida Statute Chapter 324 shall be covered by insurance in the same types and amounts as vehicles for hire identified by such Chapter. D. Town registration. Each operator shall register with the Town providing identifying information of the operator and the taxicab, along with driver's license, proof of insurance, county permit and vehicle registration and tag number. The registration fee shall be $100.00 to defray the cost of registration. The registration decal shall be displayed prominently on the lower left rear window of each taxicab at all times during operation within the Town. Section 6. Schedule of maximum fares. A. The schedule of fares shall be posted in the interior and exterior of every taxicab in such a manner as to be visible to passengers at all times. All taxicabs shall be equipped with a meter which accurately registers the rates and fares posted. All taxicabs are required to use the meter to determine all fares. The meter must be plainly visible to allow the easy viewing of the meter rate display by the passenger. Ordinance No. 5 -2012 Page 3 of 6 B. Upon request or any passenger paying a fare, police officer or other designated Town official, a driver of a taxicab or other vehicle for hire shall provide a receipt indicating the fare received, the date, receipt number, dispatch company and driver's legibly printed name. Section 7. Certain acts prohibited. A. No driver shall solicit passengers for a taxicab except when sitting in the driver's seat of such taxicab. The driver of any such taxicab shall remain in the driver's compartment at all times when such vehicle is upon the public street. B. No driver shall solicit passengers or attract their attention by calling or using a horn, bell, whistle or other signal device for calling out for passengers. C. Drivers of taxicabs shall not receive or discharge passengers in the roadways, but shall pull up to the right hand sidewalk as nearly as possible. In the absence of a sidewalk, the driver should pull over to the extreme right hand side of the road and there receive and discharge passengers, except upon one way streets, where passengers may be discharged on either the right or left hand sidewalk or side of the road in the absence of a sidewalk. D. No driver shall park or stand in any legal parking space within the Town unless specifically designated as a taxi stand. Temporary taxi stands shall be designated by the Town for this purpose. E. No person shall engage in unnecessary repetitive driving, also known as cruising, as defined herein while operating a taxicab and no owner of a taxicab shall permit another to engage in cruising while operating a motor vehicle under his or her care, custody and control after notice. F. No taxicabs permitted hereunder shall have affixed thereto any sign, placard or poster other than signs properly displayed on the vehicle designating the name of the taxicab company and telephone number. In all cases, the markings shall be lettered professionally, maintained in good condition, and not allowed to be dilapidated. Section 8. Condition of vehicle. All vehicles shall be kept in a clean condition. Minimum standards of cleanliness include, but are not limited to: A. The interior of the vehicle (including the trunk) shall be kept free from all waste paper, cans, garbage or any other item not intrinsic to the vehicle or to the conduct of operating a taxicab; Ordinance No. 5 -2012 Page 4 of 6 I B. The interior of the vehicle (including the trunk) shall be kept free from all dirt, grease, oil, adhesive resin or any other item which can be transferred onto the person, clothing or possessions of a passenger by incidental contact. C. The interior of the vehicle shall be kept free of any material which a reasonable person would find noxious or unpleasant; and D. The exterior of the vehicle shall be kept free from all dirt, grease, oil, or any other substance besides water, which can be transferred onto the person, clothing or possessions of a passenger by incidental contact. E. The vehicle's body, fenders, doors, trim, grill and paint must be free from cracks, dents, breaks, rust, or other body damage that detracts from the overall appearance of the vehicle or could result in harm or injury to the passenger or his /her personal belongings. Section 9. Penalties. Any person, operator or owner of a taxicab found in violation of any of the provisions stated herein shall receive an initial written warning and subsequently be subject to a penalty of $250.00 for a first offense and $500.00 for a second offense. Upon nonpayment or upon a subsequent violation, the privilege of operating said taxicab within the Town of Palm Beach shall be revoked. Section 10„ Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared severable. Section 11. Repeal of Ordinances in Conflict. All other ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach, Florida, or parts thereof which conflict with this or any part of this Ordinance are temporarily repealed during the effective dates of this ordinance. Section 12. Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified and made a part of the official Code of Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach. Ordinance No. 5 -2012 Page 5 of 6 Section 13, Effective Date, This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval as C\-k's provided by law. mergeN�y PASSED AND ADOPTED in a regular, ad�ourned session of the Town Council of®,,,.. the Town of Palm Beach on first reading this 16 day of February 2012 d-fw R&O.. v u d#1r r drag @®ass =this d� ®f-Ma bm2 ®12. ome d Ps G "il L. Coniglio, Mayo'/ (// David A. Rosow, Town Council President obert N. ildric ,President Pro Tern ` � I i am iamond, Town Cou cil Member ATTEST: Rich M. Kleid, Town Council Member Susan A.` we �MC, wn Clerk Micha J. Pucillo Town Council Member 0town managerltgblagenda ite=1201211c0039- ordinance 5 -2012 taxi abating ordinance 25- 11.doc Ordinance No. 5 -2012 Page 6 of 6