Ordinance 11-2015 Building & Building RegulationsAN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TOWN CODE OF ORDINANCES BY RESCINDING CHAPTER 18, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, IN ITS ENTIRETY AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 18, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS IN THE MANNER AND FORM ATTACHED HERETO; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Code of Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach is hereby amended by rescinding Chapter 18, Buildings and Building Regulations, in its entirety and by adopting a new Chapter 18, Buildings and Building Regulations, in the manner and form attached hereto. Section 2. Severability. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions or applications of this Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared severable. Section 3. Repeal of Ordinances in Conflict. All other ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach, Florida, or parts thereof which conflict with this or any part of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 4. Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified and made a part of the official Code of Ordinances of the Town of Palm Beach. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval, as provided by law. PASSED AND ADOPTED in a regular, adjourned session of the Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach on first reading this 10th day of March, 2015, and for second and final reading on this,, -15th day of April, 20 ai L. Coni io, Mayo Michae J. Pucillo, n Council President Ric and M. Kleid, President Pro Tem ATTEST: usap, wens, own Clerk ' � t F Penelopef D. Townse ncil , Town Council Member Robert N. Wildrick, Town Council Member Ordinance No. 11-2015 Page 2 of 2 M:r12114:4 =3 ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL Sec. 18-1. Datum plane adopted. The official datum plane to be used in the town is hereby declared to be the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). The secondary datum plane to be used in the town is hereby declared to be the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD). Reference to NAVD should be included with a local conversion table when NGVD is provided on documents for town review. Sec. 18-2. Landscaping; maintenance where used for screening. In any instance where hedges or other landscaping #ashave been or isare installed in the future, to provide screening for off-street parking or any other purpose, the owner of any such property is required to maintain any such hedge or other landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan and in the manner in which hedges and landscaping of a similar nature are erdiRaFily required to be maintained as specified elsewhere in this code#4he4owR. Sec. 18-3. ®n job toilet facilities, required. It shall be the duty of the owner or contractor on any construction work in the town requiring a permit to provide and have available on the premises where such construction is taking place such toilet facilities for all workers during the entire construction period as are deemed adequate by the building official. If a temporary building is used for that purpose, its construction, location and operation shall be approved by the building official. Such temporary toilet facility shall be effectively sight - screened from all roads, streets, etc., by walls, hedges, buildings or other methods as approved by the building official. DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 18-36. Penalties. Any person violating the provisions of any section of this article shall upon conviction by the code enforcement board be fined as provided in section 2-430 and/or section 2-439. Nothing herein shall preclude prosecution under section 1-14. I -91M 61 Eli] ol I Zc�7 �3NTIT Sec. 18-61. Position established. There is established the position of building official of the town, te-be- appoint et� by and ewe - iI! of the Foran manager nr he6ignoo_who shall report to the director of planning, zoning & building. The building official shall be certified as a building code administrator by the State of Florida. Alternatively, the director of planning zoning & building may designate a qualified consultant or qualified person employed by a consultant to serve in the capacity of building official provided the person or firm has been selected in accordance with adopted town procedures. Sec. 18-62. Duties. The building official shall be the administrative head of the building division of the planning, zoning & building and zening-department and shall be responsible for its operation and administration. In addition to the duties prescribed elsewhere in this Code, or the ordinances of the town, or in the codes and standards adopted by the town, the building official shall: (1) Issue all permits for the erection, repair or removal of any building or structure in the town, and shall keep on file 'in44s-e#isea record copy of every permit issued by ham, and and -the applications upon which the permits were granted. (2) Subject to the ordinances, rules and regulations of the town council and ordinances of the town, inspect all buildings and structures in the course of erection, removal or repair, for the erection, removal and repair of which a permit is required by the ordinances of the town. Sec. 18-63. Conflict of interest of �r,c�on;employees licensed under Chapter 468.069. It shall be unlawful for the building official or any plans examiner or inspector under his/her jurisdiction to have any financial interest in any firm or business engaging in any work regulated by this chapter; or to do any work regulated by this chapter for another for compensation; or to sell or have any financial interest in any concern selling any supplies, tools or equipment normally used in doing work regulated by this chapter;, or have any financial interest in any firm or business performing any services requiring certification under Chapter 468; or to perform any service requiring certification under Chapter 468 for another for compensation. All licenses held by the building official, inspectors or plans examiners who are permanent employees, issued under FS 489 or by a County Competency Board must be placed in inactive status within three (3) months of employment and maintained in inactive status for the length of employment. Sec. 18-86. Plans to contain reference to elevations. All floor alterations for residences, buildings, piers, bulkheads, seawalls, landing docks and other structures erected within the town, and requiring the filing of plans with any department of the town, shall refer to the elevations of such structures as being computed on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum with reference to NAVD included in the local conversion table as required in Sec 18-1. Sec. 18-87. Floor elevation in low areas. (a) No residence shall be constructed in any areas within the town that are subject to overflow and to the accumulation thereon of water unless the first floor of such residence shall be 18 inches or more above the grade established by and- filed in the eff',Ge of the town engine^is established by a Florida registered professional engineer and approved by the town engineer or his or her designee, and in conformance with Chapter 134. No garage shall be constructed incident to the residence unless the floor of such garage shall be six inches above the grade established by arid-filed—in the e#Tse of IEUE + ^.ne^�a Florida registered professional engineer and approved by the town engineer or his or her designee and in conformance with Chapter 134; however, exceptions to the elevation required for the floor of such garages or residences may be granted, if suitable drainage, other than natural, is provided, with the written approval of the town engineer and building official. (b) No building permit for the construction of any residence or garage incident thereto in the areas described in subsection (a) of this section shall be issued by the building official unless the plans and specifications therefore show compliance with this section. (c) The provisions of this section shall not be applicable in those areas of the town subject to regulation under chapter 50, and elevations in such areas shall comply with that chapter rather than this section. (d) All properties must retain or properly drain (as approved by the town engineer) all soil and water contained on or from the property. All modifications to property which may alter the drainage plan must be approved by the town, and a stormwater management agreement be recorded in the public records of the county setting forth restrictions relating to the property. Whenever the elevation of the existing grade is raised, the building official may require a retaining wall or other structure be installed to prevent the soil and water from their property adversely affecting neighboring properties. Upon site clearing, installation of an engineered storm water management system designed in accordance with the town's adopted level of service, shall commence according to applicable best management practices to retain stormwater and prevent soil erosion into the roadway or adjacent properties, and shall be maintained throughout the project. If the stormwater management plan includes a provision requiring installation of retention walls, these shall be completed prior to the stem wall foundation pour, or at a similar point in the construction process. Sec. 18-88. Submission, approval of retaining wall plans. No person shall construct, modify or repair any retaining walls in the town without having first submitted to the building official detailed plans and specifications for the construction of such retaining walls, which detailed plans and specifications shall bear the approval of a professional engineer registered in the state. Upon review of the plans, the applicant may be required to submit a stormwater management plan. Retaining walls shall not occupy easements or road rights of way. Sec. 18-89. Permits to move buildings. No permit shall be issued pursuant to the building code if it entails the moving of a building or structure along or across any street, sidewalk or other public way unless the issuance of such permit has first been approved by the town manager on recommendation of the building official and the director of public works. The manager may attach such reasonable conditions to his or her approval as he-deemsed in the public interest. Sec. 18-90. Acts prohibited in course of moving buildings. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in moving any structure on or over any street or public way to: (1) Damage or interfere with any wires, trees, posts or other structures of any kind; (2) Do any injury or damage to any person or property; (3) Unreasonably obstruct or interfere with the traffic on any street; (4) Fail to obey any ordinance, rule or regulation relating to warning signals and barriers; or (5) Fail and refuse to replace and repair any street, pavement or sidewalk that the town may permit to be disturbed. DIVISION 4. COMPLIANCE WITH TOWN'S RICHT-OF-WAY MANUAL Sec. 18-111. Compliance with town's right-of-way manual. Any person or entity receiving a permit pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to the extent the public- _rights-of-way and easements of the town are used in conjunction with said project for parking and/or any other purposes, shall be required to comply with the department of public works, engineering division, standards applicable to public rights-of-way and easements, as adopted by Ordinance No. 11-94 and amended from time to time by resolution, a copy of which is on file and may be obtained from the department of public works. Sec. 18-112. Prohibition on demolition. During the period of the year commencing on December 1st and ending March 1st of the following year, demolition of structures shall be prohibited and no permits for demolition of structures shall be issued by the town during said periods. Demolitions of the interiors of structures are not prohibited during this time provided the demolition and the removal of debris from said demolition is completed in three days or less. Exceptions may be allowed by the town council for the demolition of accessory structures, when demolition shall be determined by the town council not to create a nuisance to surrounding properties, or in circumstances determined an emergency by the town council. In the event of an application for waiver to this prohibition on demolition, notice shall be filed with the town at least 45 days prior to the town council meeting at which such application is to be considered and notice shall be given to all property owners as listed with the property appraiser's office within 300 feet of the property lines on which the demolition is proposed to occur. Secs. 18-113 —18-145. Reserved. ARTICLE III. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW DIVISION 1. GENERALLY Sec. 18-146. Statement of findings and purpose. (a) The town council has found that Palm Beach is internationally known and has become a worldwide synonym for beauty, quality and value. (b) In recognition of the fact that beautiful communities can be created only through a deliberate search for beauty on the part of the community leadership, architects, planners, realtors and the building industry, backed by an appreciation of the visual world by the people, the town council has created the architectural commission. (c) Public action for improving community appearance, as embodied in the architectural commission, will provide the ultimate designers of individual structures with the larger contexts in which their particular works will be viewed. Since the beauty of a community involves the aesthetic quality of all one sees in moving about, it goes far beyond the design of individual architectural facades. (d) The Comprehensive Plan and zoning codes are Is— the single most powerful legal enforcement of an overall urban concept, but alone +tLhey does not create beauty, aesthetic order, or amenity. The task of the architectural commission is therefore to preserve various elements of urban beauty and require that new projects enhance the existing elements. (e) The essential foundation of beauty in communities is harmony. The plan for achieving beauty must grow out of special local characteristics of site, aesthetic tradition and development potential. Some local areas of natural beauty are the beaches, ocean and intracoastal waterway. The vistas and visual delight of these should be allowed only to be enhanced. It is the intent of this article to achieve a pleasant and comprehensive cohesiveness in community development. Secs. 147 —15-165. Reserved. Sec. 1E-166. Membership; appointment. (a) The architectural commission shall consist of seven members. At least two members, but not more than three members, of such commission shall be registered architects in the state. In the event there are, in the discretion of the town council, no bona fide applicants who are registered architects in the State of Florida, the town may solicit and appoint architects registered outside the State of Florida to fill one of the architect seats. In addition to the two registered architects, one member of such commission shall be a landscape architect, if available. However, in the event a landscape architect is not available, then one member of such commission shall be a master gardener or someone with equivalent expertise in landscape. (b) The members of such commission shall be appointed by the town council, and the commission shall designate a chair and a vice -chair. Sec. 16-167. Qualifications of members. (a) All members of the architectural commission shall be specially qualified by reason of training or experience in art, architecture, community planning, land development, real estate, landscape architecture, or other relevant business or profession, or by reason of civic interest and sound judgment to judge the effects of a proposed building upon the desirability, property values and development of surrounding areas. (b) Each member of the commission is required to be a registered voter in the I`C1Sd:1;A>f (a) Members of the architectural commission shall be appointed for terms of three years from and after the expiration of each term. If a vacancy shall occur otherwise than by the expiration of a term, it shall be filled by the town council for the unexpired term. (b) No member of the commission may serve more than two consecutive terms; but this subsection shall not preclude any person from being appointed to a successive term, subsequent to the serving of two consecutive three-year terms, if such person has ceased to be a member of the commission for a period of time not less than nine months. Further, if a member has been appointed to fill a vacant term of office, which term is for a period of time less than 50 percent of a full three-year term, that person shall not be precluded from serving for two successive three-year terms. Additionally, although an alternate member may not serve more than two three-year terms as an alternate, the alternate member may be appointed to serve as a regular member of the commission and shall be entitled to serve two full three-year terms thereafter. Sec. 18-169. Removal provisions; absences. All members of the architectural commission, including alternates, serve at the pleasure of the town council and may be removed from the commission with or without cause. Members of the commission shall be automatically removed for lack of attendance, which is defined as failure to attend three regularly scheduled meetings in any one calendar year. Excused absences due to illness, a death in the family, religious holidays and requirements of legal process shall not constitute lack of attendance. The member shall notify the Director of Planning, Zoning & Building in writing of the board member's intended absence at least seven (7) business days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. Failure to do so, absent an emergency which prevents timely notice, will cause the absence to be unexcused. Excused absences shall be entered into the minutes at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the commission after the absence. A member may petition the town council, in the event of extenuating circumstances, to excuse an absence otherwise not automatically excused pursuant to the provisions of this Code. Sec. 18-170. Conflicts of interest. (a) If excessive conflicts of interest arise during any one calendar year, the architectural commission member shall be automatically removed from the commission_ Excessive conflicts of interest are defined as five or more conflicts of interest in any one calendar year. Continuing conflicts of interest on a single application, once declared, shall not be counted as additional conflicts of interest. This rule shall apply from the date of adoption to the end of the 2013 calendar year and shall be applicable, thereafter, on a calendar year basis. (b) If a member of the commission has a conflict of interest resulting from that member or the member's firm representing an applicant before the commission, it shall be the duty and obligation of the member having the conflict to comply with the following requirements: (1) Notification of the conflict of interest shall be noted on the application form at the time of the submission of the application. The conflict will be identified on the commission agenda. (2) The member having the conflict of interest shall not participate in the discussion and shall leave the chamber until the item is concluded. (3) The member having the conflict shall not present the project to the commission, except in a case where the commission member is a sole practitioner who is unable to represent a client through an associate. Sec. 18-171. Alternate members. The town council may, in its discretion, appoint three alternate members to the architectural commission, who shall serve when called upon by the chair of the commission in the absence of any regular member. Alternate members are required to attend all meetings of the commission and are subject to the same attendance requirements as regular members with the same provisions relating to excused absences being applicable. Alternate members shall not vote on any matter unless they are sitting to fill the position of a regular member of the commission who is absent or in the event of a conflict of interest; however, alternate members may participate in the discussion of matters coming before the commission whether they are sitting as voting members or not. Sec. 18-172. Rules. The architectural commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business. Four voting members shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative or negative vote of a majority of the entire membership of the commission shall be necessary for it to take action. Sec. 18-173. SeGFetaiyRecord of Proceedincis. The records of all proceedings and the basis for all findings shall be available to the town council and to the public. Sec. 18-174. Meetings. The architectural commission shall meet monthly and may schedule additional meetings in order to process applications within the time required by this Code. All meetings shall be pen to the public. Sec. 18-175. Issuance of permits. (a) Approval of request. Unless requests for demolition (request shall be reviewed considering proposed date to demolish, construct, and future use of new construction), building and landscaping plans, elevations and proposed signs for buildings or structures, or alterations thereto, including reroofing that involves a significant change in materials or appearance, have been approved by the architectural commission, or by the town council on appeal, no permit shall be issued for any such demolition, building, structure, sign, or other development of property, or appurtenances or alterations thereto. In addition to the criteria outlined in Sec. 18-205, such requests will be reviewed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the ARCOM PROJECT DESIGNATION manual, as adopted by the town council by resolution and amended by the town council from time to time by resolution after review and recommendation by the architectural commission. (b) Prior to IR GGRsideFatiGR G approval of a building permit for construction for all primary structures other than single family structures in the town, the owner/applicant shall provide financial proof of ability to complete the construction. In addition, the owner/applicant shall provide to the town a financial guarantee in writing executed by all parties in interest to the property, including mortgagees, if any, in an amount to be adopted by resolution of the town council and amended by adoption of a resolution by the town Council the representing a percentage of the estimated cost of demolition of the construction when complete as verified by the town's building official, as well as the cost of returning the property to grade, and to be sodded, landscaped and irrigated. The financial guarantee shall provide that in the event the construction is not completed within 12 months of the maximum time permitted for construction as set forth in section 18-23742, 106.4 of this Code, the town may call in the financial guarantee which shall be secured in the form of a bond, cash deposit or clean, irrevocable letter of credit, and cause the demolition of the structure permitted herein, including bringing the property back to grade, sodded, irrigated and landscaped as required. The financial guarantee shall be recorded in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, so as to provide notice of said guarantee to all who may have or obtain an interest in the property. This subsection, requiring a financial guarantee, shall apply only to new construction on vacant lots and shall not be required for restoration or renovation of existing structures or structures accessory to an existing primary structure. (c) Exceptions. (1) When in the opinion of the planning, zoning and building department director or his or /her designee,, teal—ef the improvements contemplated in an application fora construction permit are minimal in nature, and are not included in the listing of projects subject to architectural review contained within the ARCOM PROJECT DESIGNATION manual, and such improvements does not defeat the purposes and objectives of this article, he or she may grant the permit without requiring architectural review notwithstanding any other provisions of this section or this article. The decision of the planning, zoning and building department director or his/her designee shall be subject to appeal made to the town council in accordance with the provisions of section 18-177. (2) Individual structures and/or properties that have been designated or are under consideration or in an historic district are subject to review by the landmark preservation commission and shall not be subject to review by the architectural commission. Sec. 18-176. Building relocation. The architectural commission shall review all plans submitted with applications for moving buildings within or into the town. S+ j 'aed-Csolor photographs, 3.6 by five +ashes,- in a format specified by the town, shall be included with the application showing all elevations, the structure proposed to be moved, the proposed site, and the buildings adjacent to the proposed site. The commission shall determine whether the building proposed to be moved will fit harmoniously into the neighborhood wherein it is to be located. It may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the issuance of a permit to move such building. Sec. 18-177. Appeals and review. An applicant or any interested party may file an appeal to the town council on any ruling by the architectural commission or the director of the planning, zoning & building department or his/her designee b��s#isial made pursuant to this article. The appeal shall take the form of a letter addressed to the town clerk. In the case of an appeal from the architectural commission, the appeals shall be filed or made within ten calendar days of the date of the meeting at which the decision of the commission is rendered. In the case of an appeal from the decision of the director of planning, zoning and building the appeal shall be filed or made within ten calendar days of the date the director of the planning zoning and building department or his or her designee renders the decision in writing. Appeals shall set forth the alleged inconsistency or nonconformity with procedures or criteria set forth in this article or standards set forth in or pursuant to this Code. The town council shall decide an appeal within 45 days of the filing of such appeal unless an extension of time is consented to by the applicant, and such filing shall suspend any building permit issued pursuant to the ruling of the architectural commission or director of the planning, zoning & building department or his/her designee bu+IdiRg s#{sial until the town council has decided the appeal. The town council may review any decision of the architectural commission or the director of the planning, zoning & building department bug4irig--e#islal and its disposition of the matter shall be final. In addition to appeals, the town council shall consider Mmajor Pprojects as defined in the ARCOM PROJECT DESIGNATION manual (thesepfejests that require RGtlftatien of adjaGent pFopeFty owners und-ear roertinn I R-202 and have hAPA ed by the G mission) at the next regularly scheduled town council meeting, subsequent to the meeting of the commission. The disposition of such matters by the town council shall be final. Appeals filed pursuant to this section shall be based on the record of the proceedings below and shall not be presented de novo. The time allotted for presentation of an appeal shall be determined by the town council president. Sec. 18-201. Preliminary sketch; site plan; final plan. (a) Preliminary sketches of the design of a proposed structure or major alteration may be submitted to the planning, zoning and building department director or his/her designee for informal review so that an applicant may be informed of 10 architectural commission policies prior to preparing working drawings. if appFeved, si (b) The applicant for a building permit , when subject to the requirements of this article, shall submit an application to the planning, zoning and building department director or his or /her designee 30 days prior to the next regular meeting date for those proiects classified as Major Projects or Minor Projects -With Notice as designated within the ARCOM PROJECT DESIGNATION manual, a site plan as defined by section 18-2087-, and exterior elevations and such other data as will assist the architectural commission and the planning, zoning and building department director or his/her designee in evaluating the proposed building or structure or major alteration. Final plans and elevations shall be drawn to scale and submitted in a format as specified by the planning, zoning and building departMent-UPGR substaRtial paper GF eleth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Code. The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the street address of the work and the name and address of the owner and the person who prepared them. The final plot plan shall conform to section 18-2087-. Work not thus presented may be rejected by the planning, zoning and building department director or his ori -her designee. (c) The applicant for a building permit, when subject to the requirements of this article shall submit an application to thelap nning, zoning and building department director or his or her designee at least 14 days prior to the next regular meeting date, in the case of improvements classified as Minor Projects -No Notice within the ARCOM PROJECT DESIGNATION manual, a site plan as defined by section 18-208, and exterior elevations and such other data as will assist the architectural commission and the planning zoning and building department director or his/her designee in evaluating the proposed building or structure or major alteration. Final plans and elevations shall be drawn to scale and submitted in a format as specified by the planning, zoning and building department and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Code. The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the street address of the work and the name and address of the owner and the person who prepared them. The final plot plan shall conform to section 18-208. Work not thus presented may be rejected by the olannina. zonina and buildina department director or his or her designee. Sec. 18-202. €eeeNotice; photographs. An applicant for a building permit shall comply with the following: (1) The applicant whose project is classified as a Major Proiect shallrp ovide notice _pay a Feasenable fee to be determined by the buil _ I 1aetifisatie►}-by Gert; ad -mail to nearby property owners within a 250288 -foot radius of the subject property, the cost of which shall be borne solely by the applicant. Such notice shall be sent to the nearby property owners at least fifteen -ter► days prior to the scheduled meeting. 11 (2) The applicant whose project is classified as a Minor Proiect-With Notice shall provide notice to owners of adiacent properties which share, or would share but for an intervening right of way, a contiguous border with the subject property, the cost of which shall be borne solely by the applicant. Such notice shall be sent at least fifteen days prior to the scheduled meeting. (3) (2 -)-The applicant shall provide digitized3.5 by- five -iRGI;, color photographs of the facades facing public or private way (alleys not included) of the adjacent buildings or structures 200 feet in either direction from the proposed construction on both sides of the public or private way (alleys not included). Sec. 18-203. Referral of plans to commission. (1) The planning, zoning & building department directorb,�e#isiaf shall refer the plans required by section 18-201 to the architectural commission at its next regular meeting. If such meeting is not scheduled within the period set for commission action, a special meeting shall be called. The commission shall act on the application within 391 days of the filing deadline first occurring after the filing of full and complete data unless an extension of time is consented to by the applicant. The applicant's approval will expire +n-12 months from the date of the meeting at which the decision was rendereclapproval in WFitlRq, unless a building permit has been obtained. If the building permit expires or is voided, or if a building permit has not been issued within 12 months from the date of approval the commission approval becomes void also. In the event such approval becomes void, an application for approval shall be required in the same form and manner as if submitted as a new project. (2) A time extension from any of the requirements in subsection (a) may be granted or denied by the architectural commission for just cause. Said time extension request shall be submitted in writing to the planning, zoning and building department at least two weeks prior to an architectural commission meeting occurring prior to the expiration date, or said approval shall expire. (3) If the application is denied an application in substantially the same form may not be submitted until 12 months has elapsed from the date of denial. (4) Ddeterminations of the Architectural Commission shall be rendered in writing. Sec. 18-204. Stop work order authorized. If work being performed is not in accordance with the approved plan, the building official or his designated representative shall issue a stop work order, and all work shall cease. No person shall undertake any work on such project as long as such stop work order shall continue in effect. IN Sec. 18-205. Criteria for building permit. (a) The architectural commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the issuance of a building permit in any matter subject to its jurisdiction only after consideration of whether the following criteria are complied with: (1) The plan for the proposed building or structure is in conformity with good taste and design and in general contributes to the image of the town as a place of beauty, spaciousness, balance, taste, fitness, charm and high quality. (2) The plan for the proposed building or structure indicates the manner in which the structures are reasonably protected against external and internal noise, vibrations, and other factors that may tend to make the environment less desirable. (3) The proposed building or structure is not, in its exterior design and appearance, of inferior quality such as to cause the nature of the local environment to materially depreciate in appearance and value. (4) The proposed building or structure is in harmony with the proposed developments on land in the general area, with the comprehensive plan for the town, and with any precise plans adopted pursuant to the comprehensive plan. (5) The proposed building or structure is not excessively similar to any other structure existing or for which a permit has been issued or to any other structure included in the same permit application within 200 feet of the proposed site in respect to one or more of the following features of exterior design and appearance: Apparently visibly identical front or side elevations; Substantially identical size and arrangement of either doors, windows, porticos or other openings or breaks in the elevation facing the street, including reverse arrangement; or C. Other significant identical features of design such as, but not limited to, material, roof line and height of other design elements. (6) The proposed building or structure is not excessively dissimilar in relation to any other structure existing or for which a permit has been issued or to any other structure included in the same permit application within 200 feet of the proposed site in respect to one or more of the following features: Height of building or height of roof. 13 b. Other significant design features including, but not limited to, materials or quality of architectural design. C. Architectural compatibility. d. Arrangement of the components of the structure. e. Appearance of mass from the street or from any perspective visible to the public or adjoining property owners. f. Diversity of design that is complimentary with size and massing of adjacent properties. g. Design features that will avoid the appearance of mass through improper proportions. h. Design elements that protect the privacy of neighboring property. (7) The proposed addition or accessory structure is subservient in style and massing to the principal or main structure. @7-) The proposed building or structure is appropriate in relation to the established character of other structures in the immediate area or neighboring areas in respect to significant design features such as material or quality or architectural design as viewed from any public or private way (except alleys). (99) The proposed development is in conformity with the standards of this Code and other applicable ordinances insofar as the location and appearance of the buildings and structures are involved. (109) The project's location and design adequately protects unique site characteristics such as those related to scenic views, rock outcroppings, natural vistas, waterways, and similar features. . - 0 C'Mr-MMME WE V LE.._ (b) If the above criteria are met, the application shall be approved. Conditions may be applied when the proposed building or structure does not comply with the above criteria and shall be such as to bring such building or structure into conformity. If an application is disapproved, the architectural commission shall detail in its findings the criterion or criteria that are not met. The action taken by the architectural commission shall be reduced to writing and -signed by the ^ and a copy thereof shall be made available to the applicant upon request. (c) A decision or order of the commission or the planning, zoning and building department director or his/her designee shall not become effective until the expiration of 14 ten working days after the date upon which a ruling of the commission or the planning, zoning and building department director or his/her designee has been made. Sec. 18-206. Criteria for demolition permit. A demolition permit shall be granted upon the following conditions being met: (1) The property is not designated a landmark and is not included on a list of properties within the planning, zoning and building department placed under consideration as a landmark structure. (2) That all precautions be taken as required by the planning, zoning and building department to protect adjacent properties from dust, vibration, pests, etc. and shall be in compliance with all provisions of section of the Town of Palm Beach Florida Building Code Administrative Amendments as referenced herein -x-8-242, 1-044-44 relating to demolition permits. (3) That perimeter landscaping and other landscaping considered by the architectural commission to be worthy of saving be left in place and/or preserved in a manner satisfactory to the architectural commission. (4) If construction is not to begin within thirty days subsequent to demolition, the lot shall be completely sodded and irrigated so as to assure that the property will have a neat and clean landscaped appearance. (5) An agreement is entered into between the property owner and the town wherein the property owner agrees, in writing, to the conditions for demolition established by the architectural commission and further agreeing that in the event of a violation of any of the conditions placed upon the granting of the demolition permit, the property owner shall pay to the town a fee of $250.00 per violation per day. In the event the property owner refuses to pay any fine as required within 15 days after a notice of violation, the town may, at its expense, correct the violation and present a bill to the owner for the cost of correction. In the event the bill is not paid within 30 days of the date of the bill, the town may place a lien against the property for the costs incurred by the town, Further, no permit to construct shall be given until the fine or lien has been satisfied. Sec. -18.207. PeFA.2#ed signs. PeRnMed signs shall ^emsist of lettering that specifies the name —of the est-ablishm.e—nt andIeF the nature of the bush, ess Sec. 18-2078. Site plans. (a) A site plan shall be illustrateddfawe to scale and shall sufficiently indicate the following for consideration of visual, safety and economic factors: 15 (1) Dimensions and orientation of the parcel; (2) Location of buildings and structures, both existing and proposed; (3) Location of off-street parking and loading facilities; (4) Location and dimensions of present and proposed street and highway dedications required to handle the traffic generated by the proposed uses; (5) Location of points of entry and exit for motor vehicles and internal circulation pattern; (6) Location of walls and fences and the indication of their height and the materials of their construction; (7) Indication of exterior lighting standards and devices adequate to review possible hazards and disturbances to the public and adjacent properties; (8) Location and size of exterior signs and outdoor advertising; (9) A preliminary landscaping plan, and a drainage statement by a professional engineer registered in the state that the landscape plan is not in conflict with the stormwater management plan; (10) Grading and slopes where they affect the relationship of the buildings; (11) Indication of the heights of buildings and structures; (12) Indication of the proposed use of the buildings shown on the site; and (13) The location and description of all elements of an approved stormwater management plan. (14) Such other architectural and engineering data as may be required to permit necessary findings that the provisions of this Code are being complied with. (15) Three-dimensional (31)) plans may be required if the Architectural Commission has determined that such illustrations are necessary for consideration of the project. (16) A physical model for any project involving 10,000 square feet or more of new construction. Any of the above requirements may be waived by the planning, zoning & building directorbWd+a9 Offieial if he or she deems the information not essential. 16 (b) Where an attachment or minor addition to an existing building or structure is proposed, the site plan shall indicate the relationship of such proposal to the existing development. Sec. 18-2080. Encroachments. Applications for permission to encroach upon town property or public rights-of- way, such as refacing a building, may be referred to the architectural commission. The commission shall make recommendations to the town council in such cases as to whether the alterations proposed would conform to the standards outlined in this article. Sec. 18-210 —18-2340. Reserved. ARTICLE- COD DIVISION Sec. 18-231. Purpose. The purpose of the Florida Building Code is to establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through structural strength means of egress facilities, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation energy conservation, and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations. Sec. 18-232. Definitions Continuous construction, for the purposes of this article means major construction occurring on a site where a major construction project has been completed within the past twelve months. Date of commencement, for the purposes of this article means the date on which the first permit is issued for any work on a property. Major construction, for the purposes of this article, means a project involving improvements to real property with a ersieet valuation of $250,000 or more. Permitted work with a valuation less than $250,000 becomes maior construction when additional permits are issued which cause the total construction value of the project to equal or exceed $250,000. In that event, the date of commencement becomes the date of issuance of the initial permit of the rp oiect. -Sec. 18-233. Florida Ruildina Code Adopted 17 The Florida Building Commission has adopted, by rule pursuant to F.S. &6120.536(1) and 120.54 the Florida Building Code, which contains or incorporates by reference all laws and rules that pertain to and govern the design, construction, erection alteration modification, repairs, and demolition of public and private buildings and structures and the enforcement of such laws and rules. The initial adoption of, and any subsequent update or amendment to the Florida Building Code by the commission is deemed adopted for use without adoption by the town pursuant to F.S. 553.73(6), and is incorporated into the town code as if fully set forth herein. Sec. 18-234. Amendments. The Town of Palm Beach Administrative Amendments to the Florida Building Code are hereby adopted by reference, and are incorporated into the Town Code as though fully set forth herein. Sec. 18-235. Building Division. There is hereby established a division to be called the building division and the person in charge shall be known as the building official, who shall be appointed by the director of planning, zoning & building. The building official shall be certified as a building code administrator by the State of Florida. The building official shall have the authority and powers of office as provided in each of the standard building and construction codes adopted by the town and is charged with the enforcement responsibilities of this chapter. All code officials employed by the division shall be certified in accordance with Chapter 468, Part XII, Florida Statutes. Sec. 18-236. Schedule of permit fees and charges. The Town Council of the Town of Palm Beach is authorized and empowered by resolution to fix reasonable permit and inspection fees to be charged by the Town for such building permits examinations and inspections as said council may determine is necessary in the administration of the provisions of this article and the Florida Building Code. Sec. 18-237. Agreed maximum time schedule for completion of major construction. A maximum time calculated from the date of commencement is established for the completion of maior construction projects in the construction schedule shown in Table 1 herein. Said maximum time is a condition of all applicable permits and applicant and owner accept such condition upon acceptance of a permit. The construction schedule shall take into effect historical data of the town of construction of similar structures within the limits of the town. Failure of the permit holder to complete construction under the permit in accordance with the maximum time schedule shall be prima facie evidence that the building project has not been commenced or has been suspended or abandoned. Such prima facie evidence shall be in addition to any other 18 evidence that construction under the permit has not been commenced or has been suspended or abandoned under the permit. This schedule may be extended to accommodate additional time for individual condominium units that are required by condominium rules and regulations to cease work during the season as defined by the rules and regulations of the condominium association. This extension shall be equal to the number of months during which construction is required by the condominium rules to cease. Similarly, for residential proiects in the C -WA zoning district, this schedule may be extended to take into account the period of time during which construction is required to cease in the C -WA zoning district as specified in section 42-199(b) pursuant to Town regulations. I. Projects 3,999 sq. ft, or less 16 months 16 months Il. Projects 4,000 sg. ft. to 5,999 sq. ft. 2-4 20 months 24 months III Proiects 6,000 sq. ft. to 9,999 sq. ft 30 24 months 30 months IV Proiects 10,000 sq. ft. to 19,999 sg. ft 36 30 months 36 months V Projects 20,000 sq. ft. to 39,999 sg. ft 42 36 months 42 months VI Projects larger than 40,000 sq. ft. To be determined To be determined by the Town Council prior to permit issuance by the Town Council prior to permit issuance *Principal structure at ) A. Requests for extension from this schedule will be considered by the Town Council and approval may be granted for good cause shown as determined in the sole discretion of the Town Council. Said request for extension shall be filed with the Town by the contractor and the owner no later than 45 calendar days, nor earlierelere than six months, prior to the scheduled completion date. The request for extension shall include reasons for the necessity of granting an extension a revised construction schedule, proposed nuisance mitigation measures and a statement that notice to neighbors within 200 feet will be provided at least twenty-five days prior to the meeting at which the extension is to 19 be considered. In the event the Town Council determines that good cause is not shown for granting the extension, the Council may deny the extension. In the event the Town Council grants an extension, it may impose conditions on the extension which may include the implementation of mitigation measures deemed appropriate by the Council and the imposition of a fee as established by resolution by the Town Council for each day of the extension beyond the term set forth in the above stated construction schedule. In the event no request is made for extension of time from the above referenced schedule, the building permit shall be immediately revoked and all work shall cease and desist on the project. In order to resume work, the contractor and the owner must apply to the Town Council for an extension of time. The application for extension shall include reasons for the necessity of granting an extension of time a revised construction schedule proposed nuisance mitigation measures, and a statement that notice to neighbors within 200 feet will be provided at least twenty-five days prior to the hearing before Town Council to consider the extension of time. The Town Council in its sole discretion may grant or deny the extension. In the event the Town Council grants an extension, it may impose conditions on the extension which may include the implementation of mitigation measures deemed appropriate by the Council and the imposition of a fee as established by resolution by the town council for each day of the extension beyond the term set forth in the above state construction schedule.— n the even the Ge ,RGdl ants . Pidenslon ;t e by- the -Gn--Rg* If an extension of time is granted, a new permit application is required and a new permit reactivation fee shall be paid based upon4e value of (C) G. Failure of the permit holder and/or the property owner to complete the construction within the preceding time table or within the time extension granted by the Town Council constitutes prima facie evidence that the building project has not been commenced or has been suspended or abandoned. All permits will be terminated and all work at the site will stop immediately until the applicant and owner apply for and receive a reinstatement of the permit by the Town Council. If conditions are attached to the re -issuance, the permit may be reissued by the building official only upon continued conformance to the conditions established by the Town Council. Any conditions attached to re - issuance are conditions of all applicable permits and applicant and owner accept such conditions upon acceptance of a permit. The issuance of the certificate of occupancy or completion will be withheld until any fees incurred under this section are paid. If the Town Council does not approve the extension of time, applicant and owner may w+41 be required by the Town Council to remove all evidence of construction and ensure that the project conforms to all applicable provisions of 20 the code. Failure to cease construction or conform to all codes constitutes a violation and will be referred to the Town's Code Enforcement Board. defined in sen 18 232 Plawar nenst in!ien nr•n—rinn ag port of an annual fonilit Q-HAPTF=R 1 AMAINIQT1��T1(1P,1 (1C TL F= CI (lDlflA RI nl DING rnnc � —� cv rt�vr s ov��o��dv vvv� iv c�cc pe Sec. 18-238. Agreed maximum time schedule for completion of minor construction. (a) A maximum time is established for the completion of all building permits for construction work not subject to the provisions of 18-237. Such work shall be considered minor construction and must be completed and receive a passed final inspection no later than twelve (12) months from date of issuance. Said maximum time is a condition of all applicable permits and applicant and owner accept such condition upon acceptance of a permit. (b) Requests for extension from this schedule may be granted by the building official upon application for extension filed with the Town no later than 15 calendar days prior to the scheduled completion date. A permit extension fee, as established by resolution of the town council shall be paid prior to issuance of the extension. Extensions may be granted for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the scheduled completion date. If a permit expires before an extension is granted, the permit may be reactivated upon payment of a permit reactivation fee, as established by resolution of the town council paid prior to issuance of the reactivation for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from the scheduled completion date. (c) In the event the permit holder and/or the property owner fail to complete the construction within twelve months or by the expiration of an approved extension of time whichever is latest the building permit shall be immediately revoked and all work shall cease and desist on the project, and such failure shall constitute prima facie evidence that the building project has not been commenced or has been suspended or abandoned Such prima facie evidence shall be in addition to any other evidence that construction under the permit has not been commenced or has been suspended or abandoned under the permit. Failure to complete the work or to cease construction constitutes a violation of the Town's code of ordinances and shall be subject to code enforcement remedies under Chapter 2 of the Town's code of ordinances. Sec. 18-239. Continuous Construction. A project which involves continuous construction as defined in sec. 18-232 his prohibited unless: a Approved by the planning zoning and building department director or his or her designee and meets the followinq conditions: Is initiated by a governmental entity, or 21 ii. Is a property which consists of at least 50 contiguous acres, and 1. There exists a requirement or restriction which limits work to certain times of the year, and 2. The work being contemplated occurs at least 500' away from residential dwellings at contiguous properties, or- b. Approved by the town council and meets the following conditions: i. Is a property which consists of at least 50 contiguous acres, and 1. There exists a requirement or restriction which limits work to certain times of the year, and 2. The work being contemplated occurs within 500' from residential dwellings on contiguous properties, or - ii. Is a museum, or iii. Is a multifamily residential property where construction is limited to no more than seven months per year through organizational restrictions, or- iv. Is a tenant space in a commercial zoning districts (other than C -VA). Sec. 18-2403-9. Demolition Permits. Each application for a complete or major demolition permit shall include the following information as required by the building official. a. A cash bond or irrevocable letter of credit redeemable at a Palm Beach County financial institution of 136-perse ameu4# in an amount as established by adoption of a resolution by the Town Council and amended by adoption of a resolution of the Town Council; b. Approval from either the Town of Palm Beach Architectural Commission or the Landmark Preservation Commission; c. An approved erosion control/parking plan. d. A statement confirming that Any site in whigh if reconstruction does not commence within thirty #ftee-R (304-5) days or f+a-�a reconstruction permit becomes null and void the site shall mutt be irrigated and sodded ep-seede4 within ten (10) working days of demolition or default and the property maintained so as not to be in an unsightly condition. e. An affidavit confirming that notice to owners of all properties within 200 feet of proposed demolition has been provided in substantial accordance with a form as provided by the town. 22 Sec. 18-2418. Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals. The Florida Building Code as amended provides for the formation of the Town of Palm Beach Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This Board shall hear�r�en& ^+"�„�;s- all appeals concerning interpretations by the Building Official and eRfGFGerneRt of the Florida Building Code technical +nslUd+ag amendments. The procedures for the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals are contained within the Town of Palm Beach Aadministrative Aamendments to the Florida Building Code as referenced herein. Sec. 18-2424. Severabiliiy. If any section subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this code is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this code. Sec. 18-243-2. Violations and Penalties. Any person firm, corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this code, or fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, construct alter, install demolish or move any structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system or has erected, constructed, altered, repaired, moved or demolished a building structure electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, without full compliance with applicable codes, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be considered guilty of a separate offense for every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of applicable cases, laws, ordinances, rules and regulations is committed or continued and upon conviction of any such violation such personal shall be punished within the limits and as provided by state laws. Nothing in this section shall prevent the authority having jurisdiction from imposing fines, liens, or seek injunctive relief, or exercising other enforcement powers as permitted by law. If building work begins without payment of all required fees, all work must cease and the case will be referred to the code enforcement board for further action. S -P -c-;. 484244. Code adopted by refemnGe. • ... --- - .., 23 --------------------------- 12FA➢Y:IAIRIR�I�- ------ -------- P L oz - 24 25 e--spesi€�r Eli#e�e evern. pl+sable speef€reat Q design se Ovate buil r to pregFamrnat6G requiFemeRtrE, that de net eafersereer a uiidiag to on+ the 6i+inn of any n ' 26; Gode, there may be ether regulatiORs by Gther ageRGies affeGtiRg detaH6 of develepment, AFF -rvcr-c ,nv removal and g ss61paRsy greup iR all i3 Tbe-fGHGwiRg-aW ' WdiRg Cede a6 providedprovided by law, and aRy 444her exemptions shall -he a6 deteFmiRed by the legislature 6t19R PUFp86e6- 26 (h) 6#iskee6 Go e€ dea hut that 4w.orperate aRy eleGtriGal, plumbiRg, OF Other ROR Wood featwes. 27 of this node shall 28 F►�7.i►7 N7.T�Ss7;rf.T, eede 404.3 Stop woFk eFdeFs. WheneveF the building Offidal fiRds any weFk regulated by this nodp, being fssae a stepvA)F4-s . 104.4 ReveGation of peFm 404.4.4 WsFepFesentation of appThe buildiRg OffiGial is authe-Flazed- to suspend 9F t�eua+t; -ap Ge if' GGGYpaRGY issued the ePFGV*60O }S -of this bvdA who Fe issued in erFor, nFon the 10-444.22 i&Wion of Gode provisions. The building Gff'G*al may suspend GF FeVek Fregkflation OF any pFGVisiORr. ef-th!6 GG -de: abated by repair and FehabilitatioR oF by dernallitiOR in aGGGrdanGP- i.vith this Gode The extent Af repairs shall be deteFFnuRed by the buildiRg affinial QyeRt of p F 30 31 32 33 34 Rtatates II bP insnrihed with the date of appkation, and the Gode in effeGt as of that date. FoF a building peFFnit f9F WhiGh aR app'*Gat!GR is submitted pFi9F to the e#eGtive date e latest edkinn of CI peFMittiRg fUF+sd+ exaaiii 35 36 Uri <— Formatted: Normal, Left, Indent: Left: 0", Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: single 38 _ _ _ I l 1 I! 1 1 1 1 _■ TQ ^^h,.,I'b f e filed with the T -GWR RG later thaR 45 ralenda Ufa-I�IX-ma-th6, pp 9 e -6t f9F B16id@-Fea6e F6 fGF-thG Rete ity of graRtiRg aR ev+onsiO^ , e"i6ed 41e 8 feet will 2-pi De GOR6idered. IR the eVeRt the TowR iJ--ddet2FMiRer, that gGed Gauss 16 tiRg the eXteR64E)R, the El FRay deny -the ev+e^oti^n I^ the e�e^�he 3RtatIG 7 �^Yd the FF beyand the term i;h..11 he i merl4Ately evekoAll d-dQ6f6t-GR-tie 39 pp a 9 sale serest . to il GAx 11 des se to th.A 40 41 Part 1, OF AdmiRiStFafiVe then he eRgi .4id-e-d- ffir ChapteF 471, Cede, theR he 9F she shall affix his oF her d ansa OF she shall affix his 9F heF seal, GFiglRal PeFid-a- Statutes- and 61(;45, Porl offiGial sea!, E)Fig!Ral sigRature and datta G!gRatuFe and date te said dFawiRgs-, 186.14 WOFk la#ermWie and 6hew in detail that it Will GORf49FM e to the ppov'F-;*P-.nF-; of this CAde and PFGP96ed Pre pr9tediOR 8)��M p drawings. S de 406.4.4.2 Fer roof a6semblies required by stria FequiFed to b saMp4iaa the Gode, the GGR6tFWGtiGR et1meets gthat are 42 GGnnented thereto 406.3 Examination of and other d Guments. The building OffiGial 6 -all exarniRe 8 aF W -hP-, P-XaFnined 1. Building plans FeVi the o'te Crentinn site ca F8 6l d2 F@latIFa assembly (*nG'ud!Rg R}eGt{e�}i7A,ii-P..6en6tFUGtP8fl-At 6tfAR 2t the appFGpF{ate app @6 AF6 43 F PaFkiRg Pre aGGG66 Veh164e'eBd!Rg Set baGkJGepaFatien peFtyl+Res) LeGaU6 determiRed. 6 4R PF9tGGtiGR Of Gp8RiRgs and penetrations of Fated walls, 44 de: 9esYpaney lead Gress Net Means e€ egress €=Xit assess €dt €A ddiGGhafge n moors € AeFgeney-lighting a d eXit signs eats Her+ae B. Seilsend+tieaskina4ysls Termite preteetien Design leads Wlad requireaaests Banding envelope Fn- ndatien Walt sYsieaas leeF 6y6tefns #deo€ systerns Stab systeFns 45 I QWA QevateF6 €6salateF6 LA6 I(P-3-2-5.1.2 QeGtl4Gal a. €leGWGal aAf4% seafises GFOURd+RQ 2. €qu.pAW4# n Erner,.enGy 6 6tef ,g 5. G6FRM6lR16at16R 6yGt8FRr, 6. LOW unitmgm 7. Lead naln, datiens 2. PbdwFerequ:FerneRt6 2-. kAkater supply piping 4 Sanitary'dFa"Rage 6 1 VA-Rt6 beef drainage 46 10-6- MeGhapiGal eliRg lead salst�latief�s 2. Exha6i6t otem& Glathe6 dFyer cvhc,mt Kitnhcn cruuinmeRt 34 Equipment 4. Egwipm-ea# 186ata6 5. Mak f--l�9eanted equipment 7. E st-systems 8. VeRtilatiGR 10-siaimRey6, fireplases aed vents 11. AppiiaRGes 12, Be4iefs 1 Rc-rv--cefFkje"ratiefl Ili Iahefatefy Gas . Gas piping 2. `gig 6. Appl4aaees 6. hype sfgas 7.C'- r iFeplaGe-s 47 (15) days. or in wNGh a reGen&UGtian permit beGgrnp-F.; n, -,Il A-nd- 48 ?.��n oal a . €lesi;;sal SeMees GFOURdiRg 8. Mes#aRlGal heating and see►+ag lead ealsalafi®as es dFyeF exhaw&t 3. Eq W iPaasal: 44 Equipment Issataea 6. Make up air when nale -';;tpci 6. Roof MOURted equipmeM 7. -D---r-,t 6ysteme 9. ApplianGe6 eRgiReered systems 10. BeileFs engiReeFed systems V. eavent4latiea 9. Pltmbiag 1. F eta 44 Roof drainage size (GaIG61lated) 54 1 An 49 A Annlianner- --btu ratings 5. Type of ga6 6- 9# fR ApdRd Apt R �A6k1�6F1S 406, 5 Retention Of GORSt" E#f6R dB be re4Red by the bwildiRg offiGial a6 required by Florida Statutes. 50 r -a 52 53 gJ6eRReSteF6 g ERergy in6 Jotinn AA6e&61bflity tANBNfIRQ bF {IdFRQ 6AF�9FF c— Reef-6heathlRg WMI sheath►Rg SheathiRg #ast@ReF6 Reagwall dFy-iR SheathiRglGladdiRg R rn bead, as required 4—Ree G()MPGReRt&. a" iRsLIlatisR Par,WRg 54 r�n:enw.mr-as ON ow ss medales; is g se 55 56 been reneived 57 6ubmit weekly prsgpess red d leslediag a se . At the ssRnpletie se+#1f+ 58 109.5 !P8PeGtiGn FeqUeStS. it shall be the duty of the holdep of the buPdiRg PeFmit OF theiF duly it shall be the duty of the permit holder tG pm -)Ade- W �and- MAMAS fQ-.r iRr5peGtiGRG of s, -ah mverk- thot aFe FequiFed by this; rnde 59 1. Th.A bag- A. All-MbAr 2. The a drdFe66 of the StF„ntN. e. 5. Aytaiem+ that the deGGribe"oFUGR of the 6tFUbt- ire has been in6peGted tt7f n# e ti. The of the k4lding-e#fisial. 7. The A-d-itiGR ef the d-aR permit. 60 61 62 Conditions of the var4anGe. IR graRtiRg the variaRGe, the board may required shall be GGFnmeRGed OF GGMpleted n -.r both In •ea-fMe bray 63 GWRJ- Fesedwe not + eat har- keen re eiveA 64 Secs. 18-2423--18-275. Reserved. L11 A I Lei •.: • •t • Sec. 18-276. Adopted. The coastal construction code is adopted. Provisions contained in this article shall constitute the coastal construction code for construction within the coastal building zone and coastal barrier islands in the Town of Palm Beach. Sec. 18-277. Purpose. The purpose of the coastal code is to provide minimum standards for the design and construction of buildings and structures to reduce the harmful effects of hurricanes and other severe storms occurring along the coastal area of the town that fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. These standards are intended to specifically address design features that affect the structural stability of the beach, dunes and topography of adjacent properties. The coastal code is site specific to the coastal building zone and is not applicable to other locations. In the event of a conflict between this article and other chapters of this Code, the requirements resulting in the more restrictive design shall apply. No provisions in this article shall be construed to permit any construction in any area prohibited by town, county, state or federal regulation. Sec. 18278. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Beach means the zone of unconsolidated material that extends landward from the mean low water line to the place where there is marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation, usually the effective limit of storm waves. Beach is alternatively termed "shore." Breakaway wall or frangible wall means a partition independent of supporting structural members that will withstand design wind forces, but that will fail under hydrodynamic, wave, and runup forces associated with the design storm surge. Under such conditions, the wall shall fail in a manner such that it breaks up into components that minimize the potential for damage to life or adjacent property. It shall be a characteristic of a breakaway or frangible wall that it shall have a horizontal design loading resistance of no less than ten nor more than 20 pounds per square foot. Building support structure means any structure that supports floor, wall or column loads, and transmits them to the foundation. The term shall include beams, grade beams or joists, and includes the lowest horizontal structural member exclusive of piles, columns or footings. 65 Coastal barrier islands means geological surface features of the island of Palm Beach above mean high water. Coastal building zone means the land area between the seasonal high water line of the Atlantic Ocean and the waters of Lake Worth. Coastal code means the coastal construction code adopted in section 18-276. Coastal construction control line CCCL means the landward extent of that portion of the beach -dune system subject to severe fluctuations based upon a 100 -year storm surge, storm waves, or other predictable weather conditions as established by the department of natural resources in accordance with F.S. § 161.053. The CCCL is a jurisdictional boundary for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and is not a setback line. Construction means the building of or substantial improvement to any structure or the clearing, filling or excavation of any land. It shall also mean any alterations in the size or use of any existing structure or the appearance of any land. When appropriate to the context, "construction" refers to the act of construction or the result of construction. -0-Ifne means, -A pAeund- 911 --f 1AG6e sedgmeRts, usually Gand sized, deposited . Dune means a mound, hill, bluff, or ridge of loose sediments, usually sand -sized sediments, lying landward of the beach, deposited by any natural or artificial mechanism, subject to fluctuations in configuration and location, which may be bare or covered and stabilized by vegetation indigenous to this formation. Major structure includes but is not limited to residential buildings, commercial, institutional, industrial and other construction having the potential for substantial impact on coastal zones. Mean high waterline means the intersection of the tidal plane of mean high water with the shore. Mean high water is the average height of high waters over a 19 -year period, often referred to as the National Tidal Datum Epoch. Minorstructure includes but is not limited to: (1) Pile -supported, elevated dune and beach walkover structures. (2) Beach access ramps and walkways. (3) Stairways. (4) Pile -supported, elevated viewing platforms, gazebos and boardwalks. (5) Lifeguard support stands. (6) Public and private bathhouses. 66 (7) Sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, shuffleboard courts, tennis courts, handball courts, racquetball courts, and other uncovered paved areas. (8) Earth retaining walls. (9) Sand fences, privacy fences, ornamental walls, ornamental garden structures, aviaries, and other ornamental construction. It shall be a characteristic of minor structures that they are considered to be expendable under design wind, wave and storm forces. National Tidal Datum Epoch is the specific 19 -year period adopted by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service as the official time segment over which tide observations are taken and reduced to obtain mean values. NGVD means National Geodetic Vertical Datum, a geodetic datum established by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service and frequently referred to as the 1929 mean sea level datum (renamed in 1973). NAVD means North American Vertical Datum the current fixed reference geodetic datum developed and maintained by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Geodetic Society. Nonhabitable majorstructure includes but is not limited to: (1) Swimming pools. (2) Parking garages. (3) Pipelines. (4) Piers. (5) Canals, lake ditches, drainage structures and other water retention structures. (6) Water and sewage treatment plants. (7) Electrical power plants, transmission and distribution lines, transformer pads, vaults and substations. (8) Roads, bridges, streets and highways. (9) Underground storage tanks. One -hundred -year storm means a shore incident hurricane or any other storm with accompanying wind, wave and storm surge intensity having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year, during any 100 -year interval. 67 Seasonal high waterline means the line formed by the intersection of the rising shore and the elevation of 150 percent of the local mean tidal range above mean high water. State minimum building code means the building code adopted by a municipality or county pursuant to the requirements of F.S. § 553.73. Substantial improvement means any repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or improvement of a structure when the actual cost of the improvement or repair of the structure to its pre -damage condition equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure either: (1) Before the improvement or repair is started; or (2) If the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. The total cost does not include nonstructural interior finishings, including, but not limited to, finish flooring and floor coverings, base molding, nonstructural substrates, drywall, plaster, paneling, wall covering, tapestries, window treatments, decorative masonry, paint, interior doors, tile, cabinets, moldings and millwork, decorative metal work, vanities, electrical receptacles, electrical switches, electrical fixtures, intercoms, communications and sound systems, security systems, HVAC grills and decorative trim, freestanding metal fireplaces, appliances, water closets, tubs and shower enclosures, lavatories, and water heaters, or roof coverings, except when determining whether the structure has been substantially improved as a result of a single improvement or repair. For the purposes of this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions or any alteration of a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the state inventory of historic places. Sec. 18-279. Scope. (a) Applicability. The requirements of this coastal code shall apply to the following types of construction in the coastal building zone and on coastal barrier islands in the town: (1) The new construction of or substantial improvements to major structures, nonhabitable major structures, and minor structures. (2) Construction that would change or otherwise have the potential for substantial impact on coastal zones (e.g., excavation, grading, paving). 68 (3) Construction located partially within the coastal building zone. (4) Reconstruction, redevelopment or repair of a damaged structure from any cause that meets the definition of substantial improvement. (b) Exceptions. The requirements of the coastal code shall not apply to the following: (1) Minor work in the nature of normal beach cleaning and debris removal. (2) Structures in existence prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article was derived, except for substantial improvements as defined in section 18-278. (3) Construction for which a valid and unexpired building permit was issued prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article was derived. (4) Construction extending seaward of the seasonal high water line regulated by the provisions of F.S. § 161.041 (e.g., groins, jetties, moles, breakwaters, seawalls, piers, revetments, beach nourishment, inlet dredging, etc.). (5) Construction of nonhabitable major structures, except for the requirements of section 18-281(e). (6) Construction of minor structures, except for the requirements of section 18-281(d). (7) Structures listed in the National Register of Historic Places or the state inventory of historic places or protected by chapter 54. (8) Construction for improvement of a major structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications solely necessary to assure safe living conditions. (c) Application for permits Applications for building permits for construction in the coastal building zone and on coastal barrier islands, if not of normal or usual design, may be required by the building official to be certified by an architect or professional engineer registered in the state. Such certifications shall state that the design plans and specification for the construction are in compliance with the criteria established by this coastal code. Sec. 18-280. Coastal construction requirements. Construction within the coastal building zone and on coastal barrier islands shall meet the requirements of this article. All structures shall be designed so as to minimize damage to life, property and the natural environment. Assistance in determining the 69 design parameters to minimize such damage may be found in the reference documents listed in section 18-282. Sec. 18-281.tFr-al FRequirements. fGF majGF StFUGtUFes. (a) GeReFaT11hy'. city of 140 FA R (2) 0,atiaH-Heedfire ^yrtid-ooR6tFWGt2d And IG and in (b) Design IfIARS.- a peF 8w. GaIGUlation of pile reaGtinns And hearing GapaGitiP6 dhall not be gFeater thaR that whiGh wouldl aGtiR9 6iFnultaRe9U6lY With live and dead leads. F=FG6qGR GGmputat'E)RG f49F fG61n at'GR de6igR 6iRQ-fAFGe6; iRduding IGGalized FeseRt and the Rf-t=FOGiGR GGFR p ut&ti9 IRformAt'o I()()- year chor.n event icy annlinahle preeorihed in the Alaval Canilifie6 CnninU.S. DepaFtnqeRt of Navy; Shore MaRual, U.S. rkment of the Army CaFps of hnrao, de 70 7 MEM=J= 0 M goWN MPS e- -1 RM -1 W:1 ,(a (e) Location of construction. Construction, except for elevated walkways, lifeguard support stands, piers, beach access ramps, gazebos, and coastal or shore protection structures, shall be located a sufficient distance landward of the beach to permit natural shoreline fluctuations, and to preserve dune stability. Construction, including excavation, may occur to the extent that the natural storm buffering and protection capability of the dune is not diminished. &{q Public access. Where the public has established an accessway through private lands to lands seaward of mean high tide or water line prescription, prescriptive easement, or other legal means, development or construction shall not interfere with such right of access unless a comparable alternative accessway is provided. The developer shall have the right to improve, consolidate, or relocate such public accessways so long as they are: (1) Of substantially similar quality and convenience to the public; (2) Approved by the local government and approved by the department of natural resources whenever improvements are involved seaward of the coastal construction line; and 71 (3) Consistent with the coastal management element of the local comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to F.S. 163.3178. Sec. 18-282. Reserved. Rafe RRAPhAR And efe6Teshaisal and Design Memeraada- (3) State—of—Fle DepaFtMeRt of the Navy. 2809 - Sec. 18-283. Penalties. Any person or entity found to be in violation velatiag of the provisions of any section of the coastal code or article shall; -UPS by the code enforcement board, shall be fined not more than $250.00 per day. Each day such violation shall continue, shall constitute a separate offense. In lieu of such fine, or in addition thereto, such person, if licensed to do business within the Town of Palm Beach, may have such license suspended for a definite period of time, or such license may be revoked, such revocation to be subject to concurrence of the county construction industry licensing board where applicable, as contained in Laws of Fla., ch. 67-1876, as amended by Laws of Fla., ch. 69-1433 and as may be further amended. ARTICLE _ I D ARTICLERESERVED- • - -- -ARTICLE IX. RESERVED 72 DIVISION 1. GMENALLY �o-a-ror-v r�'n' 8618 546. Pt� t�sii� The f011OW'Rg woFds, teFFRs and phFase6, =reXGept BaGkwash piping meaRr, the pipiRg Diatomite (diatp_.mac_,Q_9i48 ea4h) wean6 together it. PteC-6el'tFl Rter- elengent rnean6 that part of a PlteF media means the fine Fnater*al whe.n used- in this aFfiGle, shall have the FneaR"496 where the nentevt nloarla inrl�nM+ems M rliffe ten+ mew nn• that extends firom the baGIV�Nash outlet of o Wpm Wpm to+n a type of filter aid. . filter deviGe that retain6 the filter media that eRtFaps the suspended part*n-.'P-F-;. .F=i.U-.r sand FAf_QaR6 a type of filter media. FWoFSeptUM MeaRG that paFt efthe diatomite is deposited. spa (inGluding eaiag through obfflef.m.eaRr, the outlets at the w ter leoveo the el when beiRn drained filter ele.m.ent on a diatomite type filter, upon wNGh a Gake A 4 deep PGFtiGR Of the pool through whinh the Main fin OF nirni doter! 73 74 75 76 77 #islF MAk 78 79 AAfalr� kAf�+lr Depth 9isiansfn slstaese Deep a €+ve a �e kleac�r-ee � Feet FFGM � GeRter Beate Above �sitie 8verhan 6# Glens fl 9 4+ � P-e+at (feet) heard - ei Bowd (feet)- (feet)- (feet) - (feet) Beck tevel- 43-- 9--- 40-- Q 2.6 7-- 4-2- levideR ial- 30- 8--- 44- 44- 25- 7-.5- 43- 044e FneteF 39.37 9-:6- a-- 4-2- 3- 3- 44- 79 80 i11\/ICIGN 4 CII iC®C - - - Formatted: Centered —. ..- ... .. .a OWN 82 83 84 ++ales should e—spasedalea Ry slaFnrAer. Teta; than that whiGh will all fittiRg of all4p-Alets shall be ROt less provide a gnity of tori feet per c ORd of the pGint opeRing through the PGGI Wall plaGed two in F; above the higl d Faen. MUMM Ml Fill U 85 86 87 Sec. 18-806. Walls, fences, hedges of unlawful height. (a) Notice ordering correction. If any wall or fence is constructed or a hedge allowed to grow to a height in excess of that permitted under this section and the ordinances of the town, the director of planning, zoning, and building shall advise the property owner, his agent or caretaker, personally or by registered mail of the existence of such condition and shall require that such condition be remedied within 20 days from the delivery of such notice. (b) Appeal from notice. Within the period of 20 days provided in this section, the owner, his agent or caretaker, may file a written appeal to the town council from the order of the director of planning, zoning, and building, which written appeal shall be filed with the town clerk, may be wholly informal, and upon filing shall stay any action by the director until the matter is disposed of by the town council. (c) Compliance with order, correction by town. If no appeal is taken, or if taken, the decision of the town council is adverse to the appellant, the owner, his agent or caretaker, shall forthwith reduce the height of such wall, fence or hedge to that permitted under the ordinances of the town; and upon his failure to do so within 20 days after the notice or after the unsuccessful appeal, the height of such wall, fence or hedge shall be reduced by town forces, and accurate records shall be retained of the cost thereof, and such amount shall be assessed against the land on which such wall, fence or hedge is located and shall constitute a lien thereon. Sec. 18-841. Definitions. Words and phrases used in this article shall, for the purposes of this article, have the meanings ascribed to them in chapter 134 of this Code, zoning. 88 89 shall be $0.26 PeF Iffinear feet of q_,_-Gh-awP4ig-. est or-be swsyepded ever a publiG sidewalk shall be $0.05 per square et-. d. Ther • o fees fGr a d p;'Fig that a.e a eGted upon private property if they __e•+ greater.less thaR $100.00i if GG6tiMj4nn_rIe t-hialp. this arnount, they thp-.n take the same rate as a Of „r^„ eFGB jai+h,n +he4im , WeR a of the n,e,ner 2�.,6t;:a f See. 18-80y building shall be ghly GNred thereto by 6ign heeks metal M nhnrc• telt 6UPPE)FtS, Ghains, metal Gables or bFaGes; stapler, or woGden plugs shall pet be -Usfe e designed Rd SeG. 18 894. Roof signs.All F99f GigR6, if permitted, shall be rUeRstru(Sted A_f f9r8e6. materials. Mp_tal 'an the GGRIMFUGAA-M G-f GiRg Ghall be of net less than 28 U.S. sheet metal gauge .0156 inr.,h. It be galvanized and suitably PFE)teGted from Sec. 18-84196. Posters, signs, placards, and similar signs, prohibited. No person shall paint, paste, print or nail any paper sign or any advertisement or notice of any kind whatsoever, or cause the same to be done, on any curbstone, flagstone or other portion of any sidewalk or street or upon any tree, lamppost, hitching post, telephone or telegraph pole, hydrant, bridge, workshop or tool shed, or upon any other structure within the limits of the town except by resolution of the town council. No person shall paint, paste, print or nail any banner, sign, handbill, advertisement or notice of any kind, or cause the same to be done, upon any private pole, advertising board or 90 sign or upon any other private structure or building unless he is the owner or lessee of such wall, window, door, fence, gate, advertising board or sign, or other private building or structure. This subsection shall not apply to legal notices required by law. Sec. 18-84297. Not to obstruct entrances or exits of buildings. No sign shall be attached to or placed against a building in such a manner as to prevent ingress or egress through any door of any building, or any opening that is to be used in event of fire, or other emergency; nor shall any sign be attached to or obstruct in any manner a fire escape. Sec. 18-34308. Temporary signs/sodiums designating passenger loading zones. (a) Notwithstanding any sections of this article to the contrary, temporary signs/podiums may be permitted to designate passenger loading zones in the commercial areas of the town, subject, however, to the following regulations: (1) One passenger loading zone sign/podium shall be issued by the town te shall be permitted adjacent to a passenger loading zone demarcated by the town for purposes of loading and off loading passengers. (2) The sign/podium shall be preuided-by-th #ewa— approved by the town and shall be ef-e ^ ^e d-e-termined- -by the no larger than 24 inches wide and 19 inches deep and shall contain the words "Passenger Loading -"and the name of the commercial establishment in addition to the name of the valet uopeartor providing the service. (3) Only one such sign/podium shall be authorized for display for each commercial establishment adjacent to a passenger loading zone. (4) The signs/podium shall not be placed upon the paved right-of-way of the town but may be placed on the sidewalk or grass in a manner so as not to impede or impair the flow of pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk. (5) The sign/podium may be placed only during those times that the passenger loading zone is designated for use as a passenger loading zone. (b) No sign/podium other than the official sign described above is authorized for the purpose of designating passenger loading zone areas. The placement of any such sign/podium or of the use of the passenger loading sign/podium described herein in a manner contrary to the terms of this section shall be grounds for the town to confiscate the signs/podium and revoke the annual valet permit¢^ eliminate the r engeF leading zone. 91 -F-Fe .......... 5 in Fen + 9ms nip, ,r pipe P ..........e FFent bars not nover 14'4' w;, -4e .......... pipe Fmrnnt hAro not n..P- 2 CPAMP.......... .34' pipe e tF.,Tatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt Formatted: Justified, Space Before: Opt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt J Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control � - b- x,4?" pp„„e 3/4"P ie pipe 92 Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt Formatted: Justified, Space Before: Opt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt J Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control Formatted: Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control 1 p +�2eeRc.iOR Over !2'e)teRel^R Frnm ��-vrrrv—cA- 122eAeRGOOR. oPelts e— NGRe— Ur +„ an .1-- 9. . ., T 2- awe SeRter cu pport (fes oPelts Undef�6 .......... 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Justified, Space Before: 0 pt, After: 12 pt, Widow/Orphan control with expansion belts or expansion fittings, fiber or metal 6hields may be used; but In no sase-w►A weein width headFod fasteneFs shall be not more than twe feet six inGhes apart. Ser.. 18 927. nings and ea . . . ubliG side alks and ways-. (a) All Fnevable awnings eveF PUb'iG sidewalks and ways must be� ped —4k fa, I . i t just Linder the head of the awning but never to the headred er d ed when being Falsed or 6tFet•nheo, tears or burn , Can 18 928 AIn Pan9irc . niess fraena n nli s Can 18-9-29. Awnings neaF fire hazards; GaRvaG G . - gasoline pumps eF grease pits, 9F there that aFe used GenneGt*GR with any building, shed or establishment of any kind that *6 Ge-Insidere-d- -A . rr ti tc t r ;A , al. The waGte line shall not he nannested ♦n the sanitafy sewer system Marquees shall be GGnGtFUGted Gf mRtPr4AI And shall be designed tG -iths4nnd A IA iRd velOGity Of 150 miles per hour. Marquees shall be kept In a GGRditi geed, safe, 6eG6IFe repa"F. WheFe glass is used On the GOR r-,t*A-.n of -A Marquee, oRly wired glass of not !aFgeF than ene inGh mesh shall be used-. Sec. 18-9231. Signs, banners on, under canopies, marquees. (a) Signs on marquees, awnings. No sign shall be painted on marquees or awnings in the town. (b) Signs and banners under canopies, marquees. No signs or banners shall be hung on or beneath any canopy or marquee. 95 Sec. 18-9232. Temporary removal of cloth part of canopies and stationary awnings regulated. The cloth part of canopies and stationary awnings on commercial buildings shall remain installed and in place and may be removed only temporarily for repair or in preparation for an impending storm or hurricane. Temporary removal shall not exceed a period of 14 days unless a hurricane or tropical storm watch occurs during the 14 -day period, at which point the 14 -day period begins anew upon the posting of hurricane or tropical storm warnings. This section shall not apply to personal residences located within commercial buildings. [TPil�=171►C��7��:7���ill•�=1'i Sec. 18-961. System adopted. The following system of numbering of premises within the town is hereby adopted: One number shall be allowed for each 25 feet of ground frontage on each of the streets, avenues and boulevards of the town, 25 feet shall be known as a unit of space. The numbering of the streets, avenues and boulevards running in a northerly direction from the pinewalk on the Breakers Hotel property, shall begin at the north line of such pinewalk, with the odd numbers on the east side and the even numbers on the west side. The numbering of all streets, avenues and boulevards running in a northerly direction south of such pinewalk shall begin at the south line of such pinewalk, with the odd numbers on the east side and the even numbers on the west side. The numbering of all streets, avenues and boulevards running east and west shall begin at the Atlantic Ocean, with the odd numbers on the north side and the even numbers on the south side. Sec. 18-962. Numbers assigned. The first numbers on the first block to be numbered shall be 101 and 102; the first number on the second block shall be 201 and 202, and so on throughout the length of the streets, avenues or boulevards, each successive block to begin with the next highest number in hundreds. For the purpose of corner lots, addresses shall be required to be assigned according to the front street line of a lot based on the orientation of the building as provided for in chapter 134, zoning, article VII, supplementary district regulations, division 2, section 134-1576(a). Sec. 18-963. Allocation of numbers to premises; fractional numbers. Each structure shall be entitled to a number and shall absorb all numbers covered by the property on which it stands, in excess of the unit space. Subdivisions of space less than a unit and separate apartments or units of one structure shall be identified by suite number or alphabetical lettering of each unit or apartment. This provision does not apply to an accessory structure where separate addresses are not permitted. Sec. 18-964. Duty to display number; type, location. 96 It shall be the duty of the owner and of the occupant of any property within the town on which any structure is located to place and display thereon the appropriate numbers, which shall be durable and shall be so placed of a size, type and location that they may be easily read from an adjacent street. Sec. 18-965. Failure to provide when required. It shall be unlawful to fail to number any premises as required by this article. Sec. 18-966. Tearing down, defacing. It shall be unlawful to tear down or deface any number placed upon any property in accordance with this article. ARTICLE XV. TENTS Sec. 18-996. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Tent means any freestanding structure of a temporary basis usually composed of canvas, plastic or other such material. Sec. 18-997. Permit --Required. If any tent is to be erected on private property within the town, the owners or occupants or their authorized designee are required to file an application for a permit, aad receive a permit from the town's building division depa#naei# and receive a final passed inspection in accordance with 109.3 of the Town of Palm Beach Amendments to Chapter 1 Administration of the Florida Building Code prior to use. Failure to follow the requirements herein may result in code enforcement action in accordance with Chapter 2. Article V Code Enforcement. ^"� nrivr t0 all he Paid to the planninn zeninn & Wilrlina denartrrment a bwalrtina permit fee aR64 o foo onherliilc adoptedW.- _. _t _1 a late filing, a late filing fee, in aGGGFdaRGe with thhi Sec. 18-998. Same --Fees. (a) (a) The application for permit must be submitted no less than 5 working days prior to the date the tent is to be erected. Before a permit is issued pursuant to this article there shall be paid to the planning, zoning & building department a building permit fee in accordance with the fees adopted by resolution of the town council, 97 and in the event of a late filing, a late filinq fee, in accordance with the fee schedule adopted by the town council by resolution as may be amended from time to time fa}(b) Fifteen days or less. If the tent is to remain in place for a period of 15 days or less, the permit fee referenced in (a) above shall apply. p the eertrast-prise. {b}(c) More than 15 days. If the tent is to remain in place for a period of more than 15 days, in addition to the permit fee referenced in(a) above, an additional permit fee in accordance with the fees adopted by resolution of the town council, shall be reguiredef $4399:98 for each month or part thereof that the tent will remain in place. Sec. 18-999. Lot coverage and setback requirements. If the tent is to remain in place for a period of more than 15 days, the tent must meet the lot coverage and setback requirements applicable to the property on which the tent is to be erected. In the Beach Area zoning district a temporary tent shall meet the setback requirements for that district. Sec. 18-1000. Length of time allowed to remain in place. In all zoning districts except the Beach Area zoning district, no tent may remain in place for a cumulative period of time of more than six months during any calendar year. In the Beach Area zoning district, no tent may remain in place for a cumulative period of time of more than 20 days during any calendar year. In addition, the tent may not exceed the dimensional maximums as provided for in sections 134-1472 or 134- 1473, whichever is applicable. Sec. 18-1001. Reserved. . i.T-7:Ai1rrtT�:FT.yia� T'T::�:aj:7-i- T.lr-z.�:r-fir Sec. 18-1010. Periods during which storm shutters may remain in place. (a) During the period from December 1st to May 31st, no storm shutters or hurricane protection devices on commercial buildings shall remain in a closed/secured position so as to block windows or doors except in the event of storm conditions. 98 (b) During the period of June 1st to November 30th, protection from windborne debris through the use of shutters and hurricane protection devices is encouraged for all structures certified for occupancy in the town. During said period, however, it is prohibited in commercial buildings to allow shutters or hurricane protection devices to remain in a closed/secured position except in preparation for an impending storm or hurricane for a period in excess of 14 days unless a hurricane or tropical storm watch occurs during the 14 -day period at which point the 14 -day period begins anew upon the posting of hurricane or tropical storm warnings. This section shall not apply to personal residences located within commercial buildings. 0AIMW&A- TAIL EMERGENCY MEASURES DURING STORM EVENTS Sec. 18-1014. Removal and securing of construction materials durin tro ical storm and hurricane warning or watch required. (a) When the National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center or appropriate weather agency shall declare a tropical storm watch or warning or a hurricane watch or warning for any portion of Palm Beach County, Florida, all construction materials, including roof tiles, and debris on all building and construction sites within the Town shall be secured, stored or removed so as not to create a safety hazard because of hurricane or tropical storm force winds. (b) Media broadcasts or notices issued by the National Weather Service or National Hurricane Center of a tropical storm watch or warning or a hurricane watch or waning shall be deemed sufficient notice to the owner of real property upon which construction is occurring or any contractor responsible for said construction to secure store or remove loose construction debris and loose construction materials against the effects of high winds. (c) Materials stockpiled on top of any structure under construction shall be permanently installed by the property owner or contractor upon issuance of a tropical storm watch or warning or a hurricane watch or warning; provided, however, in the event such installation cannot be timely completed, then the property owner or contractor shall: (1) Band together the construction materials and mechanically fasten them to the top of the structure in such a manner so as not to present a threat of their becoming airborne during a tropical storm or hurricanes or (2) Remove the construction materials from the top of the structure and mechanically tie down to the ground: or 99 (3) Remove the construction materials from the iob site: or (4) Store the construction materials inside a protected structure. (d) Construction materials or debris shall remain secured, stored or removed from the property until the National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center or other appropriate weather agency has removed all portions of Palm Beach County from those areas included in a tropical storm watch or warning or a hurricane watch or warning. (e) From June 1 to November 30 of each calendar year (the National Weather Service designated hurricane season), construction or roofing materials shall be loaded on a roof no earlier than 10 working days prior to the permanent installation of the materials. (f) It shall be the joint responsibility of the owner and general contractor to remove, secure or to see to the removal or securing of all construction materials and debris as set forth in this section. ,(g) In the event of a violation of this section, in addition to all other remedies provided in the Code of Ordinances and otherwise by law, the Town may take whatever emergency action it deems necessary to secure, store or remove all loose construction materials and debris including, but not limited to, roof tiles and roofing materials. In such circumstances, the Town shall bill the property owner or his agent for all charges and expenses incurred whether incurred by the utilization of Town personnel and materials or other outside contractors retained by the Town for these purposes. The securing of an outside contractor to perform these services shall be deemed to be the securing of emergency services and shall not require the Town to utilize a competitive bid process to select a contactor or contractors. Should the bill for such services remain unpaid for a period of 30 days or more, the Town may record a claim of lien encumbering the property and thereafter proceed according to law to enforce said lien." ARTICLE XVII. -ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW Sec. 18-1020. - Requirements for known or potential archaeological sites. Pursuant to the town's comprehensive plan and to maintain compliance with the requirements of state statutes (F.S. § 872.05 as amended), an archaeological assessment is required for known archaeological sites and/or potential archaeological sites (identified on the town's archaeological map, as amended). That assessment (Phase 1 or reconnaissance level) will result in a report presented to the planning, zoning and building department prior to the issuance of any permits for demolition (below ground), excavations, tree removal, or other ground disturbing activities. Based 100 on the assessment report, a determination will be made by the planning, zoning and building director, or the director's designee, as to whether monitoring and/or additional testing (Phase II) needs to be done. In some cases a Phase II assessment may be required based on a site's potential or known significance. A Phase III assessment is required only if something highly significant is found, such as human remains. If human remains are uncovered, they are subject to Florida's Unmarked Human Graves Act, and should be avoided if possible. If that is not feasible, then they should be reinterred in a secure part of the property under the coordination of the consultant archaeologist and tribal representative. 101